
舞踏作品の創作がカナダのハリファックスで始まります!Butoh Creation will start in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada LADDER project #0

Finally I arrived in Halifax, Canada yesterday night. There were some troubles because of flight delays in Montreal, but everything became good memories now!

Today is an off day to adjust my jet lag.
I explored this beautiful city, and felt the old and modern atmosphere. The Halifax bay has a long history, it works an important role as the entrance to the other country. I imagined people who had dreams came and went in the past.

Miya Turnbull, an awesome mask artist and I will start the days of creation for Butoh presentation here, based on the history of Japanese immigrants.

I appreciate her care and preparation before my arrival, and I'm so thrilled to work with her!


Japan-Canada International Exchange Project

The purpose of "Ladder" is to explore important themes of cultural identity, immigration, and generational differences through the history of Japanese Canadians. The project aims to shed light on overlooked history, learn from each other, and create an innovative performance. The interactive creation between mask art by Miya Turnbull and Butoh dance by Emiko Agatsuma can contribute to a more diverse and inclusive outlook on the arts. This project will also promote cross-cultural understanding, respect, and collaboration with other fields of arts.

Miya Turnbull によるお面のアートと我妻恵美子による舞踏が相互に影響を与え合うこの創作は、より多様で包括的な芸術観に貢献し、異文化理解と尊重を進めていきます。また、歴史への新たなアプローチや他分野とのコラボレーションを通じて、芸術における新たな価値の創造を目指します。

Supported by
Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)
Art Nova Scotia (Support4Culture)
Canada Council for the Arts/ Conseil des arts du Canada

#LADDER #emikoagatsuma #miyaturnbull #舞踏 #butoh #mask #halifax #canada #novascotia #japanesecanadians #japan #日本 #カナダ #日系カナダ #我妻恵美子 #workshop #dance #art #performingarts
