
#315 AIが俳句を解釈したらこうなった。 「薔薇色のあくびを一つ烏猫」日野草城


"A single yawn in rose hues, the black cat."
Hino Sojo

Created with midjourney












This haiku by Hino Sojo captures a beautifully ordinary moment, portraying a black cat yawning against a backdrop tinged with the color of roses. This poetic image blends the simplicity of daily life with the vibrant colors typical of late spring, creating a striking visual contrast and highlighting the serene beauty of the season.

Seasonal Imagery

The mention of "rose hues" sets the scene during late spring, a time when roses bloom in rich colors and the world is full of vibrant life. The choice to depict a black cat in this colorful setting plays on visual contrasts, enhancing the natural vibrancy of the season. The yawn of the cat, an everyday, mundane action, is elevated to an artistic expression by being set against the rose-colored backdrop, symbolizing the lushness and fullness of the season.

Artistic Expression

The phrase "a single yawn in rose hues" is an example of poetic license, attributing color to an action (yawning) to evoke a specific emotional response. This description not only paints a picture of the scene but also infuses it with a sense of vitality and fleeting beauty, typical of haiku that capture the essence of the moment. The term "black cat" serves as a focal point, providing a stark contrast to the vivid backdrop, which enhances the visual and thematic depth of the haiku.

Emotional and Sentimental Tone

This haiku evokes a tranquil yet poignant atmosphere, inviting the reader to find beauty and poetry in everyday moments. The juxtaposition of the black cat against the rose hues offers a reflection on the contrasts found in nature and life—darkness amid brightness, simplicity within complexity. This moment of a cat yawning in such a setting suggests a peaceful coexistence with nature and a celebration of life's simple pleasures.

Overall, this haiku by Hino Sojo elegantly captures a slice of life, placing an ordinary event within an extraordinary context. It encourages appreciation for the small yet beautiful moments that season our daily lives, promoting a deeper connection to the natural world through a brief, vividly depicted scene.


日野草城(本名:克修、1901年 - 1956年)は、東京都出身の俳人で、大正から昭和にかけて活動しました。彼は新興俳句運動の中心人物の一人として知られており、特に「旗艦」という俳誌を創刊・主宰し、革新的な俳句を数多く発表しました。彼の俳句は、伝統的な五七五の形式を踏襲しつつ、現代的なテーマやエロティシズム、無季俳句を取り入れることで知られています​ (Wikipedia)​​ (俳句の教科書)​。


(英訳:ChatGPT 解説:Bing / ChatGPT 画像生成:midjourney)
