
#311 AIが俳句を解釈したらこうなった。 「早乙女や水に倦みては海に向く」加舎白雄


"The young rice planters, weary of the water, gaze towards the sea."
Kaya Shirao

Created with midjourney












This haiku by Kasha Hakuo depicts a poignant scene where the rice-planting maidens, or "saotome," labor in the flooded rice fields, periodically looking up toward the distant sea for a moment of rest and solace.

Seasonal Imagery

The term "saotome" refers to young women who plant rice during the traditional season, symbolizing a key agricultural activity in Japan. Their presence in the rice paddies is a hallmark of early summer, when the fields are flooded with water. This scene reflects a distinctive rural landscape that connects with Japan's agrarian heritage and the importance of rice cultivation as a cultural touchstone.

Artistic Expression

The phrase "weary of the water" captures the exhaustion felt by these women as they toil in the wet, muddy fields for long hours. The imagery of the "sea" contrasts with the repetitive, laborious tasks of rice planting, providing a metaphorical glimpse into their desire for rest, freedom, and a break from routine. By looking up toward the sea, the saotome are metaphorically reaching for relief and hope amidst their strenuous work.

Emotional and Sentimental Tone

This haiku communicates a blend of contrasting emotions. It acknowledges the backbreaking work and fatigue experienced in the rice fields, while also portraying the expansive, calming view of the sea. This visual contrast reflects the women's desire for rest and rejuvenation, finding solace in the ocean's vastness. The haiku captures the delicate balance between effort and respite, between the limitations of daily toil and the boundless freedom of the sea.

Overall, Kasha Hakuo’s haiku intertwines traditional imagery with an intimate look at the lives and emotions of these young rice planters. It invites readers to contemplate the struggles and joys of their work while celebrating their brief moments of tranquility and aspiration. The poem embodies a universal desire for solace and hope amidst life's daily challenges, portraying both the beauty and hardship of working closely with nature.


加舎 白雄は、江戸時代の俳人。諱は吉春・競、通称は五郎吉、別号は昨鳥・春秋庵・白尾坊、露柱庵など多数。父の祖母方の姓をとって「平田忠次郎」と名乗ったこともある。 与謝蕪村、大島蓼太などと共に中興五傑及び天明の六俳客の一人。鴫立庵の庵主。



(英訳:ChatGPT 解説:Bing / ChatGPT 画像生成:midjourney)
