
#295 AIが俳句を解釈したらこうなった。 「向こう家にかがやき入りぬ石鹸玉」芝不器男


"Across to the neighboring house,
a soap bubble enters, shining."
Shiba Fukio

Created with midjourney











This haiku, "向こう家にかがやき入りぬ石鹸玉" by Shibata Notsuman, delicately captures a fleeting moment of joy and beauty through the imagery of a soap bubble. Below is the translation and explanation in English, striving to maintain the poetic elegance and the deep connection to Japanese nature and culture found in the original.

Across to the neighboring house, a soap bubble enters, shining.

Seasonal Imagery

In this haiku, the soap bubble serves as a playful and ephemeral symbol of spring. The imagery of the soap bubble floating towards the neighboring house underlines the lightness and brightness of the spring season. Soap bubbles, often associated with children's play, evoke a sense of freshness and new beginnings that are characteristic of spring. The reflection of sunlight on the bubble adds a sparkle, enhancing its visual impact and reinforcing the theme of transient beauty typical of the season.

Expressive Techniques

Shibata Notsuman uses the phrase "a soap bubble enters, shining" to emphasize the movement and delicate beauty of the bubble as it drifts. This expression not only captures the physical journey of the soap bubble but also highlights its fleeting presence, reflecting the impermanent nature of beautiful moments. The contrast between the everyday setting of a neighborhood and the magical appearance of the shining bubble creates a striking visual and emotional effect, drawing attention to the simple yet profound joys found in everyday life.

Emotions and Sentiments

This haiku evokes feelings of whimsy and delight, capturing the simple pleasure of watching a soap bubble glide through the air. The moment when the bubble "enters, shining" into the realm of the neighboring house symbolizes the unexpected surprises and small joys that life presents, particularly in the rejuvenating season of spring. The haiku invites readers to appreciate the transient, beautiful moments that punctuate daily life, encouraging a sense of wonder and appreciation for the fleeting interactions with beauty in our surroundings.

Through this poetic expression, Shibata Notsuman beautifully encapsulates a moment of childlike wonder and the ephemeral beauty of nature, using the imagery of a soap bubble to symbolize the fleeting yet memorable moments that define the essence of spring. This haiku serves as a reminder of the value of pausing to appreciate the simple, fleeting beauties that everyday life offers, celebrating the ephemeral nature of beauty and the joy it brings to our lives.


芝不器男(1903年 - 1930年)は、日本の俳人で、短い生涯を送りながらも「天の川」誌で活躍し、俳句界において注目されました。愛媛県出身の彼は、若くして俳句の世界に進出し、「ホトトギス」誌でも新人として認められました。句歴はわずか四年で、26歳で亡くなりましたが、その短い間にも独特の句風を確立しました。彼の代表的な句には、豊かな自然を映し出す作品が多く、彼の技術と才能が垣間見えます。詳細はWikipediaの芝不器男のページでご覧いただけます。


(英訳:ChatGPT 解説:Bing / ChatGPT 画像生成:midjourney)
