
#296 AIが俳句を解釈したらこうなった。 「雉なくや彼の梅わかの涙雨」小林一茶


"The pheasant cries,
under his plum tree—
a rain of tears."
Kobayashi Issa

Created with midjourney











This haiku, "雉なくや彼の梅わかの涙雨" by Kobayashi Issa, captures the delicate interplay of springtime elements and human sentiment. Here is the translation and explanation in English, carefully preserving the poetic beauty and the deep connection to Japanese nature and culture found in the original.

The pheasant cries, under his plum tree— a rain of tears.

Seasonal Imagery

In this haiku, Issa intertwines three elements that are evocative of spring: the cry of the pheasant, the plum blossoms, and a gentle, tear-like rain. The pheasant’s call is a traditional sign of spring, heralding the season’s arrival with its distinctive sound. Plum blossoms, a beloved symbol of spring in Japan, represent the beauty and fragility of life. The "rain of tears" metaphorically describes a fine, misty rain, suggesting both the spring showers that nourish the earth and the emotive response such beauty elicits.

Expressive Techniques

Issa uses "under his plum tree" to personalize the scene, suggesting a specific, cherished place where the natural and the emotional intimately connect. The phrase "a rain of tears" beautifully captures the dual imagery of the natural rain and the emotional, tearful reaction to the transient beauty of the season. This blend of the literal and the metaphorical enriches the haiku, providing depth and resonance that invite reflection on the impermanence of beauty and the poignant responses it evokes.

Emotions and Sentiments

This haiku evokes a sense of poignant beauty intertwined with melancholy. The pheasant’s cry, the ephemeral plum blossoms, and the gentle rain combine to create a scene of deep emotional and aesthetic appeal. The image of tears suggests both sadness and a deep appreciation for the fleeting beauty of spring. It reflects the complex feelings that arise when witnessing the transient splendors of nature—joy mixed with sadness, beauty tinged with melancholy.

Issa's haiku is a masterful depiction of the emotional landscape of spring, capturing the profound impact of nature’s ephemeral beauty on the human heart. Through this poetic vignette, he invites readers to experience the rich tapestry of feelings that the changing seasons evoke, celebrating the deep connection between the natural world and human emotion. This haiku serves as a poignant reminder of the transient yet impactful moments that define our experiences of nature’s cycles.



小林一茶(1763年 - 1828年)は江戸時代後期の著名な俳人です。彼は信濃国(現在の長野県)の農家に生まれ、一茶という俳号で知られています。彼の作品は、自然や日常生活を素朴かつ感動的に捉えたものであり、特に小動物や子供に対する愛情が表れています。彼は「一茶調」と呼ばれる独自の句風を確立し、松尾芭蕉や与謝蕪村と並び称されるほど評価されています。詳細はWikipediaの小林一茶のページで確認できます。


(英訳:ChatGPT 解説:Bing / ChatGPT 画像生成:midjourney)
