
#314 AIが俳句を解釈したらこうなった。 「噴水やふりかくされて雨の中」鈴木花蓑


"The fountain, splashed and scattered amidst the rain."
Suzuki Hanamino

Created with midjourney












This haiku by Suzuki Kanō captures a moment where nature and human-made beauty intertwine, illustrated by the merging of rain and the dynamic spray from a fountain. Set during the transition from spring to early summer, a time known for its frequent rains in Japan, the poem reflects the lively yet serene atmosphere typical of this season.

Seasonal Imagery

During the late spring and early summer, Japan often experiences a lush, wet climate, leading into the rainy season. Fountains, often found in parks and gardens, come alive not just with their own water but are enhanced by the rain, creating a blend of natural and artificial waterscapes. This interaction symbolizes the season's essence—growth and renewal—while the rain nourishes and the fountain decorates.

Artistic Expression

The phrase "splashed and scattered" vividly depicts the action of the fountain's water mingling with the rain. It suggests a sense of motion and vitality, contrasting with the typically tranquil scenes associated with rainy environments. The choice of words paints a picture of water in two forms: the steady fall of rain and the sudden, lively bursts from the fountain, highlighting their harmonious interplay.

Emotional and Sentimental Tone

This haiku evokes feelings of calmness mixed with exhilaration. The peacefulness of a rainy day contrasted with the vigorous splashing of the fountain water offers a sensory experience of both sound and sight. This blend of dynamic and static elements provides a meditative reflection on how human elements can complement natural settings, creating a unique moment of beauty and contemplation.

Overall, this haiku by Suzuki Kanō elegantly captures the simple yet profound interaction between the rain and a fountain, encouraging an appreciation for the small, beautiful moments where human creativity meets natural beauty. It reflects on the peaceful coexistence of these elements, offering a poetic glimpse into the tranquil yet vibrant life within a rain-soaked garden.


鈴木花蓑(1881年 - 1942年)は愛知県出身の俳人で、本名は鈴木喜一郎です。大正から昭和初期にかけて活躍し、「ホトトギス」誌において特に影響力を持ち、その時代を「花蓑時代」とも称されます。彼の作品は、高浜虚子によって提唱された客観写生のスタイルを忠実に実践しており、その詠み方は非常に緻密で、長時間対象を観察してから詠むことが多かったとされます​ (Wikipedia)​。



(英訳:ChatGPT 解説:Bing / ChatGPT 画像生成:midjourney)
