
Episode42 行きたいレストランが休業日だった。

"Hello, and welcome to my English learning podcast. Today's theme is ' The Restaurant that I Wanted to visit was Closed’). How would you feel, and what would you do if the desired restaurant decided to take a day off?

Small Talk 1:
Oh, dear. It’s closed. What a disappointment!

Answer for Small Talk 1:
Yeah, fairly disappointing. I was really looking forward to enjoying sushi here because I heard that it is one of the best sushi restaurants around here but, you know, it’s closed today. It can’t be helped. I'm not sure about the reason, perhaps fish sourcing, staffing, or a family matter. Anyway, I'll definitely come back to Japan in the near future and give it another try.

Small Talk 2:
So, what's your plan next?

Answer for Small talk 2:
Well, I don't actually have a plan B, but I'm thinking of taking a taxi and asking the driver for recommendations on a great sushi restaurant in the vicinity. Trust me, you can't go wrong with a local professional taxi driver.
Now we move on to the vocabulary section.
Let's begin with the expression 'Oh, dear(あら、まあ).' This is an informal way to express surprise, disappointment, or sometimes sympathy. For example, "Oh, dear! I forgot to bring my umbrella, and it's starting to rain."
Our next term is 'fish sourcing(魚の調達),' Particularly in the context of a restaurant. Fish sourcing refers to the practice of obtaining fish and seafood for a restaurant's menu. For instance, "This restaurant takes pride in sustainable local fish sourcing."
Moving on, we have the term 'staffing(従業員の管理・確保).' Staffing involves the process of hiring and managing personnel within an organization or business. For example, "Effective staffing is crucial for the success of any company, as it ensures the right people are in the right positions."
Now, let's have a look at the concept of 'Plan B(第2のプラン).' Plan B is a backup or alternative plan in case the original plan doesn't work out. For instance, "In case of bad weather, we should have a Plan B to move the event indoors."
Lastly, we have the word 'vicinity(近辺).' Vicinity refers to the nearby or surrounding area of a particular place. For example, "There are several cafes in the vicinity of the office where employees can have a quick lunch."

Having a plan B in life is crucial at times. Today, I can’t find any motivation for work. So, I've decided to activate my plan B – a 'siesta.' Thank you for listening! See you next time!"

