
Episode 36 ビジネスのリスク

Hello, welcome to another episode my English learning podcast! Today, we're going to explore the concept of risks in business.
Small Discussion Question 1
Now, let's have a look at the first question: "What are the possible risks when engaging in business?"
Sample Answer 1
When it comes to business, risks can take various forms. Financial risks, such as market fluctuations, economic downturns, and unexpected expenses, are challenges we all face. Operational risks involve supply chain disruptions or technological failures. Reputational risks are another consideration, but I suppose these can be controlled to some extent.
Small Discussion Question 2
"Do you think taking risks is necessary?"
Sample Answer 2
Absolutely, taking risks is often an inevitable part of business growth. It's about finding a balance between calculated risks and potential rewards. Innovation and progress are achievable by stepping out of comfort zone in order to thrive in a dynamic environment.
Let’s see today’s vocabulary.
Firstly, we have 'fluctuation(変動).' Fluctuation refers to a continuous change, often in level or intensity. For example, 'The stock market experiences fluctuations in prices, reflecting the dynamic nature of the economy.'
Next, 'consideration (考慮事項)' is the careful thought or attention given to something. For instance, 'Before making a decision, it's important to take all factors into consideration to ensure the best outcome.'
Moving on, 'inevitable(避けられない)' describes something that is bound to happen, unavoidable. For example, 'Change is inevitable, and embracing it is key to personal growth and development.'
Next, 'stepping out of the comfort zone(快適圏から踏み出す)' means to venture beyond what is familiar or comfortable. For instance, 'Learning a new language often involves stepping out of your comfort zone, but the rewards are worth it.'
Lastly, 'thrive (栄える)' means to grow or develop well in a particular environment or situation. For example, 'Some individuals thrive in challenging work environments, finding motivation in overcoming obstacles.'
That's it for today's episode. I hope you found these vocabulary helpful when dealing with any risks.
Thank you for tuning in. Have a nice day!

