
Episode39 最近の株高

"Hello, and welcome to my English learning podcast. Today's focus is on ' Recent Stock Market Highs’. As we navigate the dynamic market of stock exchange, we'll explore the recent surge in stock prices, figuring out the factors contributing to this bullish trend. So, let's see what’s happening."

Small Discussion Question 1:
How do you see the recent average stock price at the Tokyo Stock Exchange market?

Sample Answer 1:
For me, the recent surge feels like the market is on fire, even though the actual economy appears sluggish where overall wages remain extremely low. I can't shake off the feeling of unease, wondering if this rapid increase is sustainable in the long run."

Small Discussion Question 2:
How do you see the cause of the fad in stock prices?

Sample Answer 2:
"In my opinion, the recent stock market frenzy can be attributed to increased foreign investments, driven by optimism about the growth potential of Japanese companies. The yen's depreciation and the implementation of the new NISA system seem to play a role.

Let’s see today’s vocabulary.

Let's start with the term 'bullish(株価などが強気の・上昇志向の)' In financial contexts, being bullish means having a positive outlook or expectation that the value of an asset or market will rise. For example, 'Investors are feeling bullish about the stock market's potential for growth this year.'
Our next word is 'appear(~のように思える)' used as a verb to mean 'seem.' When something appears a certain way, it gives the impression or seems to be a particular way. For instance, "Despite the challenges, she appears confident and ready to tackle the project."
Moving on, we have the term 'fad(熱狂)' A fad refers to a short-lived trend or fashion that becomes popular for a brief period of time before fading away. For example, "The latest dance craze turned out to be just a fad, quickly losing its popularity."
Now, let's explore the word 'frenzy(熱狂)' Frenzy describes a state of intense excitement or activity. For instance, "The release of the new smartphone created a frenzy, with people queuing up outside stores to be the first to get the item."
Lastly, we have 'optimism(楽観視)' Optimism is a positive outlook or belief that favorable outcomes are possible. For example, "Despite facing setbacks, his unwavering optimism motivates him to keep pursuing his goals."

That’s all for today’s episode. Thank you for listening!


