
Episode37 そろそろ髪を切らないと

Hello, there! Welcome to my English learning podcast! Today's topic is something many of you can relate to—hair getting longer. Let's get into it!

Small Discussion Question 1
Your hair is getting longer. Why don't you have your hair cut?"

Sample Answer 1
Yes. I've been surprised at how fast my hair grows. Last time, I took the DIY approach and cut my own hair. This time, though, I would like to have a professional approach and a decent hairstyle. I've got my eyes on the nearest hair salon—I'm ready for a change!

Small Discussion Question 2
At the hair salon, "How would you like your hair cut today?"

Sample Answer 2
I'm thinking of going for a classic buzz cut, as short as you can make it. I prefer a neat and tidy look. I've got the first date later with my girlfriend and I reckon a sharp buzz cut will be just the thing. It would be great if you keep it simple and stylish!

Let’s see today’s vocabulary.

Firstly, we have 'DIY approach(自分でやる・自作のアプローチ).' DIY stands for "Do It Yourself." It refers to the practice of creating, building, or fixing things on your own, without professional help. For example, "I decided to take a DIY approach to home improvement and painted the walls by myself."
Our next word is 'decent(まともな).' Decent is used to describe something that is satisfactory or acceptable. For instance, "Despite the limited resources, they managed to create a decent living space.”
Moving on, we have the expression 'I've got my eyes on something(気持ちが~に向いている).' This phrase is used when you are interested in or have a strong desire for something. For example, “I've got my eyes on that new smartphone; it has some impressive features.”
Next, the phrase 'neat and tidy(整っていて綺麗な).' is used to describe something that is well-organized and clean. For instance, “She always keeps her desk neat and tidy, making it a pleasant workspace.”
Lastly, we have 'buzz cut(スポーツ刈り).' A buzz cut is a very short hairstyle where the hair is cut extremely close to the head. For example, “He decided to get a buzz cut for its low-maintenance and stylish look.”

That's it for today's episode. Oh, it’s time to go to a hair salon! See you soon.

