
男らしさってなんだろう/ What is "TOXIC MASCULINITY"

By Miyu English below!







このような、いわゆる”男らしさ”はしばしば無自覚な差別(Unconscious bias)となり、男性の行動や選択をじわじわと狭めていく。

「生まれながらにして "女 "である者はいない。"女 "になるのだ」






性別役割について、「そう思う」 「どちらかといえばそう思う」「どちらかといえばそう思わない」「そう思わない」の4段階で聞いた。 男女差が大きく開いたのは、「男性は~べきだ」という以下の4項目

「デートや食事のお金は男性が負担すべきだ」 (男性37.3%、女性22.1%)
「男性は人前で泣くべきではない」 (男性31.0%、女性18.9%)
「家を継ぐのは男性であるべきだ」 (男性26.0%、女性15.6%)

令和3年度 性別による無意識の思い込み (アンコンシャス・バイアス)に関する調査研究



(「剥奪感の男性化=masculinization of deprivation」)




: 育休の一定期間を父親に割り当てる制度





ジェンダー平等が求められる中で、既存の男性性が揺らぎ男性が抱えるストレスや困難が明らかになっている。実際にスウェーデンでは、女性が経済的に自立する中で離婚率が増加し、それまで女性のサポートによって生活をしていた男性が困難に直面した。スウェーデンでは、社会によって変化が求められるなかで変化についていけない男性への相談場所として男性危機センター(Kriscentrum för män)を設置している。自治体やNGOなど形態は様々であるが、DV(被害者・加害者ともに) や離婚、子育て、人間関係の悩みをはじめとした困難や危機を感じている男性への支援を行っている。



#WeAreUnstoppable ⭐️


“In order to achieve gender equality, men need to get involved and masculinity norms need to be challenged .”


In Japan, when discussing gender equality, they mostly focus on the women's empowerment into socirty.
While the debate and systems for women's entry into society are being reformed it's important to also focus on the issues that men face. Moreover, regardless of gender, it's essential to address the harmful gender roles that society imposes on everyone.

In Japan, when the topic of gender equality is raised, discussions usually focus on the current situation of women. However, approximately half of the world's population is male, and I believe that it is essential to also focus on the issues that men face. Moreover, regardless of gender, there is a need to challenge the harmful gender roles that have become societal norms.
In the Nordic countries, research on masculinity has been started since around the 1920s, and policies aimed at reevaluating and reshaping traditional male gender roles have been implemented.This perspective is not widely discussed in Japan, which is why I want to write about "toxic masculinity" in this note..

▷What does Masculinity mean to you?

Not crying, be cool ,paying for dates, don’t know how to cook, having a higher salary than women, being the breadwinner for the family, not showing emotions,  love alcohol, sports, cars, and women.... And so on.

This so-called  "Masculinity" often becomes an unconscious bias that slowly narrows men's actions and choices.

"nobody is born a wo-man;you become one”

by Simone de Beauvoir, 1970

Of course, this applies to man as well.
We unconsciously find our behavior limited by society, gradually conforming to what is considered "masculine" and "feminine.

Patriarchy often instills in many men the belief that they should be ashamed of their vulnerabilities, working as an unrelenting source of pressure. For example, survey results show that many men strongly hold the beliefs that they should bear the financial burden of dates and meals and that they should not cry.

▷The Effect of Patriarchy on “Men”

The patriarchy is a family system in which the male head of the family, has absolute control.
This idea, which was institutionalized around the Meiji period and permeated the entire society, has set restrictions on how men and women should be and act in society.(Gender role)

Then, Patriarchy often works as a never-ending pressure on men, making them feel ashamed of their weaknesses. For example, the survey results show that many men strongly hold the beliefs that they should bear the financial burden of dates and meals and that they should not cry in society.
This kind of unconscious masculinity does not only oppress women but men too.

The "norms" constructed by patriarchy might be one of the biggest threats to men's mental and physical well-being. In the year 2022, there were 21,881 suicides, with men accounting for approximately 2.1 times the number of suicides as women in Japan. Additionally, in statistics related to substance abuse, violence, and crime, men are often overrepresented.

Moreover, while the majority of suicide attempts are made by women, the fact that the majority of completed suicides are by men points to a societal structure where men find it difficult to seek help.

The respondents were asked about gender roles on a four-point scale of "agree," "somewhat agree," "somewhat disagree," and "disagree.
The gender gap was wide for the following
Men should pay for dates and meals" (37.3% of men and 22.1% of women)
Men should not cry in public" (31.0% of men, 18.9% of women)
Men should be the ones to take over the family" (26.0% male, 15.6% female)
It is natural for men to work overtime and on holidays" (20.2% male, 10.3% female)

FY2021 Research Study on Unconscious Assumptions Based on Gender (Unconscious Bias) by Gender Equality Bureau, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan.

▷ Policies in the Nordic Countries

1) The father's quota:

is a policy implemented in Norway, Sweden and Iceland which reserves a part of parental leave periods for fathers

In Iceland, this period is approximately 6 months (around 180 days), 
in Norway, it's 15 weeks (105 days), and in Finland, it's about 5 months (164 days). 
Denmark allows both parents to take a total of 52 weeks of parental leave (around 365 days). 
In Sweden, both parents can take up to 480 days of leave until the child turns 8 years old, with 90 days allocated to each parent, and the remaining days are available to either.

2) Support System for Men (Sweden)

Have you heard of the term "men's crisis" before?

It refers to the "crisis of masculinity" resulting from the economic, cultural, social, and psychological instability experienced by men since the latter half of the 20th century, amid the shifting dynamics of a male-dominated society.

As gender equality becomes more prominent, the stress and challenges that men face due to the instability of traditional masculinity have come to light. In Sweden, for instance, as women achieve economic independence, divorce rates have risen, and men who were previously financially supported by women have found themselves in difficult situations.

To address the need for change within society and provide support for men who may struggle to adapt to these changes, Sweden has established Men's Crisis Centers (Kriscentrum för män). These centers come in various forms, including those run by local authorities and NGOs, and offer support for men facing difficulties and crises related to issues such as domestic violence (both as victims and perpetrators), divorce, parenting, and relationship problems.

▷ What We need to do

The first step we can take is to feel discomfort with the prevailing concepts of "masculinity" and "femininity" that lurk in our daily lives. Moreover, when discussing gender equality, it's important to recognize that men also face their own set of challenges.

As members of society, we all have a role to play in rethinking "masculinity" and "femininity" in a positive, fair, and unrestricted manner.  Perhaps it is time for all of us to free ourselves from these traditional gender norms and work to break the "norm".

#WeAreUnstoppable ⭐️
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