Why it is important to talk about the gender stereotype in mental health.


There are so many stereotypes and stigma about mental health in our society, but do you know that some of these stereotypes are gender based? A saying such as "Men don't cry" or "Eating disorders only happen to women" are some of the stereotypes that could be harmful to the people that have mental health issues and also the people around them.

For years, numerous studies have shown that there is a gender stereotype in mental health. Whether the stereotype is in the illness itself, the help seeking behavior, or the coping mechanism. For example, A large number of studies provide strong evidence that gender based differences contribute significantly to the higher prevalence of depression and anxiety disorders in girls and women when compared to boys and men. On the other hand, the socialisation of men to not express their emotions and to be dependent on women for many aspects of domestic life may contribute to high levels of distress among them when faced with situations such as bereavement (WHO, 2002).

Due to a lot of exagerated portrayals of mental health and mental health issues that are mostly misleading, we unconsiously create this sort of understanding that men and women are different when it comes to mental health. Well, of course that men and women have different experiences and lifestyles that could lead to differences, but the symptoms or the physiology that they feel are the same. Researchers have looked into a variety of factors that impact mental illness stigma. When it comes to the social element, the most relevant determinants are the primary measure of stigma, fear, and judgments of dangerousness (Boysen et.al, 2014). Other significant determinants include the view that individuals with mental illnesses are to blame for their difficulties, as well as emotional emotions like anger and pity. These attitudes also predict discriminatory behaviors like withholding aid and coercing people with mental illnesses.

So why does this happen?

According to Rosenfield & Smith (2010), there are effects of masculinity and femininity that affect mental health in respective sexes.The workplace and the home grew separated as a result of industrialization. Middle-class men began to leave home to work, while women stayed at home to care for the family's children. In line with these divisions, prevailing notions of femininity began to connect women with qualities like nurturing, sensitivity, and emotional expressiveness. Men, on the other hand, were traditionally linked with traits such as aggressiveness, competition, and independence. If we look at the social constructionist viewpoint, health beliefs and practices are expressions of masculinity and femininity, and they support the larger social structure of gender and power. Men's health views and actions are shaped by their adherence to North American masculine norms, which entail the rejection of femininity and weakness (Sileo & Kershaw, 2020).

What happens if these stereotypes continue?

Boysen et.al (2014) has stated that, due to mental illness stigma: People with mental illnesses are restricted in their legal rights, demonized in the media, subject to inequality in medical care, socially undervalued, and faced with low expectations of competency. Not only that, People with mental illnesses are also affected by the stigma, which leads to poor self-esteem and a reluctance to seek treatment. Personal experience of mental illness, knowing and engaging with someone suffering with mental illness, societal preconceptions about mental disease, media tales, and familiarity with institutional procedures and historical constraints all influence attitudes and views regarding mental illness (eg, health insurance restrictions, employment restrictions, adoption restrictions) (Vermeulen, 2008).


Boysen et.al (2014). Gendered mental disorders: Masculine and feminine stereotypes about mental disorders and their relation to stigma. The Journal of Social Psychology, 154(6), 546-565.

WHO. (2002, June). Gender and Mental Health. Retrieved October 11, 2021, from https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/68887/a85576.pdf;sequence=1.

Rosenfield, S., & Smith, D. (2010). Gender and mental health: Do men and women have different amounts or types of problems. A handbook for the study of mental health: Social contexts, theories, and systems, 256-267.

Vermeulen, M. (2008). An investigation into the representation of the mentally ill in popular film (Doctoral dissertation).

Sileo, K. M., & Kershaw, T. S. (2020). Dimensions of masculine norms, depression, and mental health service utilization: Results from a Prospective Cohort Study among emerging adult men in the United States. American journal of men's health, 14(1), 1557988320906980.

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ここ数年の間に行われた多くの研究で、メンタルヘルスとジェンダーステレオタイプの間には親密な関係性があることが証明されています。ステレオタイプは病気そのものに隠れているのでしょうか、それとも助けを求めるという過程にあるのでしょうか、治療法にあるのでしょうか。例えば、精神疾患を患う患者の割合は、男性よりも女性の方が圧倒的に多いことが証明されています。また、「感情を表に出さず寡黙であることを求められる男性と、あらゆる生活面のサポートをする女性」という夫婦の構造は、死別などにより2人が別れを迎えた場合、残された一方は精神面に大きな打撃を受けるということがわかっています(WHO, 2002)。

メンタルヘルスなどの精神面の話を見たり聞いたりしていると、誇張したり脚色したりという誤った表現方法がよく使われていることに気付きます。このような誇張表現により、人々は「メンタルヘルスの問題は男性と女性で全く違うんだ」と思い込んでしまうのです。確かに、ライフスタイルや経験などにより、男女間に違いが出てくることももちろんあります。しかし、病気などの症状や生理現象においては男女間に差はありません。そこで研究者たちは精神病に影響を与える要因について調査を行いました。社会的な要素で言えば、上位に上がってきたのは羞恥心や恐怖心、精神をすり減らすような大きな選択をすることなどでした (Boysen et.al, 2014)。そのほかにも精神疾患を患う患者が、その原因を「自分自身」であると思い込んでしまうこと、怒りや哀れみの感情も精神病の重要な要因の一つになっているということがわかりました。これらの要因は、助けが必要である人が差し伸べられた手を跳ね返してしまう、精神病患者に対する差別や偏見など、様々な悪影響を及ぼすと考えられています。


Rosenfield & Smith (2010)によると、「男らしさ・女らしさ」という社会の押し付けが、男女それぞれのメンタルヘルスに影響を与えています。産業化が進んだ結果、社会は「仕事場」と「家庭」を全く別のものであると考えるようになりました。中流階級の男性はより多くの時間を家の外で働くために使い、女性は家で家事や育児を担ったのです。このような役割分担ができてしまった結果、感受性豊か・面倒見が良い・感情的であるなどの「女性らしさ」が出来上がり、逆に男性は豪快さや競争力・独立・孤立などの「男らしさ」などと結び付けられるようになりました。社会構造の研究者から
すると、健康に対する考え方や行動はジェンダー表現の一種であるようです。この考え方はジェンダーと権力という社会構造を後押ししていると言えるでしょう。多くの男性が持つ健康に対する考え方は、弱さや女らしさを嫌う北米の「男らしさ」に影響されています (Sileo & Kershaw, 2020).。


Boysen et.al (2014)は、精神疾患に対する嫌悪感や差別により、患者たちは法的な権利を制限され、メディアでは悪者とされ、医療の面では不平等に扱われ、社会からは過小評価されていると論じています。また患者たちは、このような精神疾患に対するイメージにより、患者たちは自尊心が低下したり、治療を受けることを阻んだりしてしまっているのです。患者たちの生の声や実際に触れ合った人の声、患者に対する先入観、メディアの話、法制度や歴史など、全ての事柄が現代の精神疾患患者に対するイメージに影響を与えているということを覚えておいてください。(例:健康保険の制限、雇用の制限 、採用制限)(Vermeulen, 2008).


Boysen et.al (2014). Gendered mental disorders: Masculine and feminine stereotypes about mental disorders and their relation to stigma. The Journal of Social Psychology, 154(6), 546-565.

WHO. (2002, June). Gender and Mental Health. Retrieved October 11, 2021, from https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/68887/a85576.pdf;sequence=1.

Rosenfield, S., & Smith, D. (2010). Gender and mental health: Do men and women have different amounts or types of problems. A handbook for the study of mental health: Social contexts, theories, and systems, 256-267.

Vermeulen, M. (2008). An investigation into the representation of the mentally ill in popular film (Doctoral dissertation).

Sileo, K. M., & Kershaw, T. S. (2020). Dimensions of masculine norms, depression, and mental health service utilization: Results from a Prospective Cohort Study among emerging adult men in the United States. American journal of men's health, 14(1), 1557988320906980.

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