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Kabuki is one of the Japanese traditional perfuming arts.
It is listed as important intangible culture asset by the Education minister and is also designated as intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO.

The word of KABUKI is derived from “KABUKU” or “Status of tilting” which means avant-garde. So KABUKI was the latest pop culture at the Edo period.
This word of KABUKI also consists of three parts KA, BU, and KI,
These refers to sing, dance and skill respectively.

As the name suggests,
Kabuki is stage drama performed exclusively by men to the accompaniments of songs and music.   
It is characterized by a combination of rhythmic words, dancing, elaborate costumes and stage sets.

If you are interested in this performing art, I recommend you go to Kabuki-za located in east Ginza at the central Tokyo.
This Kabuki-za is only one theater in the world which is dedicated to Kabuki.[151 words]


Noh is one of the Japanese traditional performing arts
And it is said to be the oldest theatrical art of Japan with more than 650 years history.

Noh is completed by renown actors, Kanami and his son Zeami, with the help of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu at the Muromachi period.
Noh can be said Japanese style musical performed mainly by men to the accompaniment of repetitive chants called Yokyoku and an orchestra consisting of a flute and three types of drums.

The leading characters are mostly ghost but its story is beautiful and mysterious rather than scary.
This unique atmosphere is called Yugen which refers to delicate beautiful.

The most remarkable characteristic of Noh is that some actors ware masks called Noh-men.
Depending in the actor’s role, they ware a various wooden masks,

Since it is used to be played outside, the current stage has also a roof on it even if it is inside the building.
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Bunraku is one of three greatest classical performing arts in Japan along with Kabuki and Noh.
It is designated as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO.

Bunraku is a classical puppet play performed to the accompaniment to narrative ballads known as Jyoruri.
This Puppet play and Jyoruri were developed independently in old days.

These performing arts was integrated as Bunraku at the Edo period.
Therefore, its unique charm lies in the harmony of skills performed by three key players.
Firstly, three puppeteers manipulate one puppet with their sophisticated skills.Then, stories are told by men called Tayu with unique tone and deep voice.
And Shamisen players play the accompaniment to the Tayu’s chant.

Speaking of skills for this performance.
Some of performers are designated as living national treasure.
Therefore It takes a long time to be a full-fledged performers.
And it is very crucial concern for the theatric art to transfer its values to next generations.

If you want to watch this art, national theaters in Tokyo or Osaka is very popular.
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Manzai is a comic dialogue, usually performed by two or three entertainers in a variety program on TV. It tends be slapstick in nature.

It was based on a traditional performance observed on the New Year’s day from ancient times.
It has been uniquely developed in the Kansai region of Japan.

Speaking of more detail about its origin,
A form of traditional Japanese stand up comedy was originated from the celebratory dialogue by two characters called Tayu and Saizo who went from door to door at the New Year’s day with a kind of funny dialogue.

During the Edo period, Manzai named after its birth place such as Owari, Mikawa and Yamato manzai, become very popular in many place over the country.
Through this period, Manzai become much funnier by adding witty jokes and riddles to the performances.

Today, one of most famous TV programs for Manzai is M1 Grand Prix as annual championship tournament.
This M-1 Grand Prix is known as its prize of cash and the gateway to success for young comedians.
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Gagaku is a genre of the ancient ceremonial dances and music of the imperial court.
The Gagaku is consisted of “Bugaku” and “Kangen”.

Bugaku refers to music accompanied with the dances
but Kangen refers to the music only performed by an ensemble of wind, string and percussion instruments..
It has a unique harmony with its own music scale.
It is usually performed at shrines not often at concert hall.

My first experience of Kangen is Benishidare concert.
This open-air night concert is held annually at Heian Shine in Kyoto Prefecture.
It is hosted by a well known Gagaku musician Togi Hideki and he performed various musics from traditional Kangen to popular one with famed musicians as guest.I was fascinated with a harmony of beautiful sound and cherry blossom illuminations in the precinct of Heian Shrine.
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Shamisen is three stringed music instrument similar to a banjo.
It was introduced from Okinawa and is played as accompaniment to bunraku and kabuki as well as traditional songs.

Its body is originally made with snake skin but it was difficult to obtain this skin in Japan. then dog and cat skin are used as substitute.

My personal image about shamisen is a powerful sound for Japanese traditional music instrument.
This powerful performance can be produced by striking the strings with a plectrum.

Speaking of powerful performance, I can recall Yoshida brothers who are the well known as Tsugaru Shamisen players.
They stared playing Shamisen from their childhood.
Actually, their performance fascinates both domestic and foreign audience.

Another my image of Shamisen is the Geisha’s performance.
They plays Shamisen as the accompaniment to dances and games.
These music are perfectly matched with the traditional atmosphere of the party.
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