
より青い空へ: Blueskyで麻雀コミュニティを育てるためにフィードを使う|Reaching For Bluer Skies: Using Feeds to Cultivate A Mahjong Community on Bluesky



Hey everyone! I still like note, but recently the website won't let me use any of the right click features, immediately crashing as soon as I highlight anything. That has kind of made it a little rough to post just any old thing that comes to my mind here, but that doesn't mean I don't wanna write about mahjong! As a matter of fact, there's kind of a little project that's been consuming most of my free mahjong time between actually making a decent run in ARML's C1-B league and doing a little bit of streaming on youtube: i got an invite to Bluesky! I talk about this social media platform in my other article warning about the uncertain future of twitter.

To highlight how sure I am that that website is yakitori, it's not even called twitter anymore, and now that idiot wants to get rid of blocking other users. I'll never have imposter syndrome again! 

How Does Bluesky Work?

Bluesky is still in a beta state currently, and you need to receive an invite code to use it. You generate new codes to invite other users every 10 days. This can be annoying if you want to get a lot of people on the website, but since you can pick who you invite, you can filter your invites for quality. This isn't gonna guarantee that annoying people or antis will not be able to use bluesky, but it will make it harder for them~ the faster you invite your cool mahjong friends from other places, the faster they can invite THEIR cool mahjong friends, and etc. etc.  

It's kind of difficult to find things on Bluesky at first, but i'm here to let you in on the secret: Bluesky doesn't have a search algorithm to find relevant posts outside of a keyword search, but it has a feature that allows you to use *anyone's* created search parameters, allowing anyone to curate content for you. These are called Feeds, and they kinda rule! I have a feed for Anime content, a feed for pro wrestling, a feed for politics… but there weren't any feeds for mahjong. So I made one!

The Riichi Mahjong Bluesky Feed

The current terms the feed is searching for is posted up here: 

This feed will give you essentially a bilingual view of every mahjong related post on the site. It will focus mostly on riichi, but anyone using the word mahjong could be talking about another type of rule. Today, I expanded it with M League content. Now it will search for every official M league hashtag, as well as the names of any current or former M leaguers. If you talk about M League on bluesky now, anyone with the feed should be able to see it. I am actively looking to interact with people i see on there, and i encourage everyone to try and find each other. Remember that Bluesky is a liberal block and mute community. You can subscribe to mutelists of users just like you can subscribe to feeds, allowing you to curate who you don't want to see posting. If you want to use this resource but don't want to interact with me, please feel free to mute and block me to your hearts content. No hard feelings! I don't know if it will restrict your usage of the feed, but if i can leave it open, I will! Also, if you're the kind of person that people who know you can describe as x-phobic or a x-ist that isn't a cool one, this whole website isn't really for you. Please continue to enjoy X or Xitter or whatever the fuck he's calling it now. To the rest of you, I really enjoy bluesky! I hope that if you're someone who's on there, that this is a helpful way to find some more fans of everyone's favorite game!  
