
Toilet talk.

Saigo: I have to take ahhh!
Kondo: Are you a 10? Just raise your hand. The teacher will call on you.
S: No, she's scary and always smells like meat.
I'll wait 10 minutes until class ends. I'll use the toilet in my dorm room. 
K: Why? Ryoma is gona lecture you again on the importance of conforming to American culture. Blending in. I hate when he goes off like that. He talks forever! He thinks he is "so good" because he has a perfect TOEIC score.
S: Honestly have you seen the men's restrooms here? They are dirty as hell. Piss everywhere. People step on the piss with their shoes then track it into the classroom, cafeteria, and dorm room.  Americans can't piss straight. Why don't they sit like civil people?
K: Ha-ha! BUT, don't ever sit on the toilet seat. GOT IT!
S: OK. Maybe it's because, Americans are taller. Pee falls much longer. 
K: Is that a haiku? You suck.
Hey, do you think Ryoma is getting taller these days.
S: He's got secret heels. I saw them when we drank with Kogoro.
Teacher: "ZIP IT"!

