'You cannot kill democracy that easily': transgender lawmaker barred from Montana statehouse アメリカ 20230428

#Montana #Republicans #Transgender #Lawmaker #ZooeyZephyr #GenderAffirmingMedicalCareForTransChildren

'You cannot kill democracy that easily': transgender lawmaker barred from Montana statehouse - YouTube
Apr 27, 2023 MONTANA
Montana Republicans have barred the transgender lawmaker Zooey Zephyr from the statehouse floor for the rest of the session after she told colleagues they would have “blood on your hands” if they voted to ban gender-affirming medical care for trans children.
Under the terms of the punishment, Zephyr will still be able to vote remotely but will be unable to participate in debates for the remainder of the 90-day legislative session. The Democratic representative had been forbidden from speaking for the past week over her comments, which Republicans said violated decorum. “If you use decorum to silence people who hold you accountable, then all you’re doing is using decorum as a tool of oppression,” she said.

#アメリカ #20230428
#fictitiousness #2023

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