
Adam Katz Sinding と Errolson Hugh の対談 ‘So What Else Do You Want To Talk About?’ Episode 4 の文字お起こし・翻訳

Adam Katz Sinding と Errolson Hugh の対談(17. jun 2021)


Adam Katz Sinding(アダム・カッツ・シンディング)ってどんな人?



Adam Katz Sinding
Good afternoon from Heartbeats in Amager, in Copenhagen. I’ve ridden my bicycle down to the studio and I’m currently wearing my lyscra. Luckily or actually unfortunately, there is no visuals because you could see how pale I am. I am also wearing a sleeveless base layer, which is very 90s, like –

Errolson hugh
Like an ___.

Adam Katz Sinding
Thanks, dude. And I am here with my friend Errolson Hugh, who is currently in London, which is not where he is based, but we will get to that in a minute, and we are doing another episode of So What Else Do You Want to Talk About?, which is a little podcast that I marinated on for a while and decided it would be cool to meet up and talk with people who I’ve met over the years, primarily from the fashion industry because that’s been the focus and in control of life for almost the last decade and be able to chat with them, not only about what they do, but especially what they do when they’re not doing what they are known for. So, it kind of allows for a little bit of insight beyond the superficial layers. In my years of doing photography, I’ve done a million and 10 interviews and I get asked the same fucking {暴力的・差別的表現が含まれます} questions. And it’s so annoying and everybody just thinks that I’m a one-trick pony and maybe I am.

Errolson hugh
It does work for brand recognition though, you know.

Adam Katz Sinding
Exactly. So, this is the opportunity to become a two to three-trick pony. So, Errolson, in London, post BREXIT, current corona, what’s up, what are you doing?



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