









要するに介入しろ、とか叫んでる情弱は、この構図・ルールが見えていないのです。『介入?出来るわけねえだろアホか』、というのが、政府(少なくとも日銀サイド)の本音です。だって、介入ってあれですよ、ステロイドですよ。ステロイド打って、格闘技強くなりますか?ならねえよ一時的にしかw 体調悪くなるしね。強くなるには、フィジカル(財政)から、血流(金利)から、技術(歳入歳出)から、磨かないと、強くなるわけがない。だから、ステロイド介入なんてしても意味ねえよ、ってことを、よーく、金融庁も財務省も分かっているんですよ。だからこねえよ、介入は。ドルショート勢お疲れ、天空を超えたイスカンダル星で会いましょう。さようなら。










参考3)米GDP、第1四半期+1.6%に鈍化 2年ぶりの低い伸び インフレ加速








参考5)日銀、国債購入縮小の方法検討 事実上の量的引き締めへ移行





正直、先日の日銀決定会合で、QTが開始される(国債買い入れ額が減って、QQEの体制が変わる)ような事項が定められていたら、為替介入を“多少は”警戒したと思います。でも、一切、なかったでしょ。この、一切、QTが、事前リーク通りになかった、というのは、非常に重要なポイントなのです。穿った見方をすれば、“米国が日本のQQEを離脱させることはまだ許していない”ということになるわけです。日銀が国債買い入れを買い増せば、当然、その分、対価として通貨が発行されます。その通貨はどこに行くんじゃ、となると、米国に行きますwww(直接・間接的に。テクニカルな話はややこしくなるので割愛します) つまり、日銀は、米国にまだドルを献上しなければならないから、QQEをやめられないのです。もしかしたら、良心的な植田総裁のこと、『事前にリークして、地ならしだけでもしておこう』という思いもあったのかもしれません。でも、日本が、日銀が単独でQQEをやめて、QTにシフトすることは許されないのです。これは、許されない。だから、円安が続くんです。だって、QTにシフトしたら円高(ドル安)に戻る可能性が、僅かでも、あるからね。バイデン政権も次期トランプ政権も、自国の製造業が傷んでいるから、ある程度はドル安にしたい、という思惑はある。あるんだけれど、もっと頭の良いイエレンやパウエルからすれば、『馬鹿いってんじゃねえよおまえら、ドル安になったら米国破綻するから製造業どころじゃねえだろ』、と思っているわけ。そして、FRBのほうが米国より上だからね地位は。これ大事だよ。テストに出ますよ。FRBは民間銀行だからね。何回もいうけど。で、FRBは欧州貴族がオーナーで、FRBが、米国にカネ貸し付けてるんだからね、これも重要だからね。だから、FRBのパウエルは俯瞰的に物事をみるし、それを受ける米国側のイエレンも、真面目に米国の財政を考えるから、米国債は売らないでくれ、と中国に嘆願することになっているし、日本には、『てめえ米国債売って介入したらどうなるか分かってんだろうなこの猿』、と伝えてきているわけですよ。意味わかるかな。難しいかもしれないけど、この構図を、何回も何回も、頭に刷り込んでくださいね。












参考7)ETFからの資金流出や規制強化懸念でも ビットコイン価格は6万3000ドル以上を維持

多分さ、ビットコインETFが出来て、金融クラスタの連中が慌てて売ったか利確したか損切りしたか、やってるんだと思うんだけどね。これさ、そもそも全体相場が崩れた起因は、米国の利下げリスク後退からの、インフレ・スタグフレーション相場だからだよね??にも関わらず、スタグフレーションにおけるノアの方舟、ビットコインを何故、売る??w 頭悪すぎるのか湧いてるのか分からないけど、この程度の知力しかない米国?外人?投資家が、現物ETFを売り買いしているってことは、ドルもお里が知れるわけだ。数年以内に、ドルは資産の逃避先にならなくなるよ。スタグフレーション危機であるにも関わらず、ビットコインを売って、ドルを一生懸命買ってるんだから、もはやドルも円も共に堕ちるところまで堕ちないとわからないってことですな。




【 2018年8月23日発売!ブロックチェーン、仮想通貨をテーマにした松田元新著がKKロングセラーさんから出版されました】
「いい人がお金に困らない 仮想通貨 新時代のルール 」

そして今、ICO(Initial Coin Offering:イニシャル・コイン・オファリング/新規仮想通貨公開)という仕組みが稼働を始め、ビジネスの世界も大きな変革が始まっています。

Episode 656:Japanese Yen Paper Waste Plan, Full-scale Start

It's a yen depreciation. Anyway, it's a yen depreciation. The yen depreciation is accelerating. Not only in financial markets but also among the general public, everyone is discussing the yen depreciation, and people are paying attention to how much further it will go in the future.

In this article, we have repeatedly pointed out the risks (?) of yen depreciation acceleration and recommended long positions in USD/JPY for asset preservation. Congratulations to all our readers for the explosive profits. We knew it was coming, and we've entered a dimension where future price movements are as clear as day. So, in today's column, I'd like to focus on the trend of exchange rates, particularly the yen. After all, it's a memorable day when the plan to turn the Japanese yen into worthless paper was confirmed and decided.

Until recently, there were many people complaining to the government, saying, "Do something about the strong yen," but now they are complaining, "Do something about the weak yen." They haven't learned, have they? Once the yen is recognized as a currency traded internationally in interbank markets, it's no longer something the Japanese government can handle on its own. The value of the yen is determined by the international currency market. And indeed, that international currency market has essentially declared the yen worthless. This goes beyond the level where decisions of governments or central banks can do anything about it. In short, yen depreciation is accelerating. It's going to get even cheaper. It's still expensive, you know, at 158 yen.

I'll go into detail later, but there are some voices threatening intervention, saying, "Intervene in the exchange rate, you idiots!" (These guys are definitely short-term FX traders.) But intervening now would be utterly meaningless. You can't manipulate a currency that's already recognized in the international currency market, especially not the currency of a country that provides the most offerings to the United States, without the consent of the United States itself, based solely on one country's policy decisions. In other words, it's crucial to recognize that this yen depreciation is part of the "Japan-U.S. Agreement on Turning the Japanese Yen into Worthless Paper." Let me say it again: "Japan-U.S. Agreement." It means that Japan is turning the yen into worthless paper at the behest of the United States. That's what it means. So, in the international currency market, you have ignorant investors selling the yen with confidence, and naive investors longing the yen (shorting the dollar) in hopes of intervention.

The market is, in a sense, a war. It's a brawl. It's a fight. Engaging in the market means if you don't understand the rules of engagement, there's no way you can win. It's like practicing standing techniques and then finding out the actual battle is judo—such a ridiculous story wouldn't happen in reality. But it can happen in the world of the market. "At 155 yen!!!! Intervention will come!!!!" and then, shorting the dollar, well, you're toast, dead. "Up to 160 yen!!!! The Japanese government won't allow it!!!!" and then, engulfed in flames by longing the yen, you're in a scorching hell. There's no cure for stupidity. It's exactly foolishness, or should I say, being Tonma. People who are Tonma. Because they don't know the rules.

Investing in Japanese stocks is the same, but especially in today's foreign exchange, it's like logistics in China's Warring States period. It's the salt road. If you control logistics, the country will perish, so you absolutely must control logistics, or you couldn't establish a nation in chaotic times. Therefore, logistics were highly prioritized. Particularly, salt, as a resource, was highly valued. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that logistics were highly prioritized in ancient China, as it was said, "He who controls the salt road controls the country." If logistics are disrupted, then supply lines won't go through. There's no way the United States would allow a situation where the Japanese government could easily control such logistics on its own.

If you want to control modern foreign exchange, you first need to understand the rules. And what are those rules? They are as follows:

・A single currency cannot be controlled by a single country
・The value of a single currency is determined by interest rates, and interest rates are determined by the international currency market (and the IMF and credit rating agencies)
・For the Japanese yen, the Japanese government cannot determine its value alone because Japan is a vassal state of the United States
・To discern the trends of the Japanese yen and interest rates, one must confirm the intentions of the United States
・Countries with increasing populations tend to have relatively stronger currencies, while countries with decreasing populations tend to have relatively weaker currencies

In short, those shouting for currency intervention are clueless about this framework and rule. "Intervention? You must be kidding, idiots," that's the government's real opinion (at least from the Bank of Japan's side). Because intervention, you know, it's like steroids. Will taking steroids make you stronger in martial arts? No way, only temporarily, and it messes up your health. To get stronger, you need to improve your physical (fiscal), blood flow (interest rates), technique (revenues and expenditures). So, using steroid intervention is pointless, and both the Financial Services Agency and the Ministry of Finance understand this well. That's why there's no intervention. To the dollar shorters, farewell, let's meet on the Iskandar star beyond the sky. Goodbye.

Really, despite all the government's barking about markets, investments, managing your own pension, the articles from so-called experts are so trashy that people are starting to believe they can live solely off the yen, which is undergoing the "worthless paper" plan. It's pitiful for those who earnestly believe they can live off the yen alone, saving money and living seriously. You're professionals, so seriously, thoroughly research and write about the real situation, all you expert-like folks. There's only one way for USD/JPY, long; if you go long on yen, you'll die, it's like toilet paper, I've said it so many times.

All these so-called experts irresponsibly writing articles like 'Where's the intervention?' should just quit their jobs. There won't be any intervention, and even if there were, it wouldn't mean a thing, absolutely nothing. Are they stupid or what? Let's ignore the cowards expecting steroids and instead focus on the real investors seeking fundamental strength. From now on, let's write the truth for them. Our theme will be the Bank of Japan and the United States, the already agreed-upon plan to turn the Japanese yen into worthless paper, how far the USD/JPY long will go, and ultimately, Bitcoin will prevail. Let's provide a multifaceted explanation. Let's get started.

1.Key remarks by Ms. Yellen

Actually, regarding this USD/JPY long position, I had a strong conviction that it would spark based on a crucial action by Ms. Yellen. Just to avoid any accusations of hindsight bias, please refer to our past articles. I believe in one of the previous pieces, around two iterations ago, I commented something like, "With USD/JPY entering an infinite long mode, it's nothing but buying aggressively (@152 yen)." This inference was drawn from Ms. Yellen's behavior as follows:

Reference 1) Ms. Yellen, U.S. Treasury Secretary, met with representatives from China's Economic and Financial Working Group, holding the fourth session of the WG

So, here's the thing. She went to China to beg them not to sell U.S. bonds. Of course, I wasn't there on the scene, so this is all speculation. But she went there to beg them not to sell U.S. bonds. Meaning, Yellen doesn't want U.S. bonds to be sold. Seeing this, I was convinced that intervention would definitely not happen. Because if Japan were to intervene in USD/JPY, they'd have to sell U.S. bonds to prepare foreign reserves, right? But they can't sell them. Because of U.S. pressure. So, no intervention. USD/JPY will keep going up endlessly. That's it. That's the end of the story.

Reference 2) IMF: Massive debt of the United States and China poses risks to other countries' finances

The United States, needless to say, is a massively indebted nation. It seems that just the debts between the U.S. and China alone account for the majority of the world's public debt. However, China has everything locked away in a black box, so they can ultimately opt for a hard landing and claim that nothing ever happened. But the United States can't do that. Why? Because the dollar has spread too widely across the world.

When U.S. bonds are sold off, bond prices fall, and yields accelerate even further. With accelerated yields, the U.S. economy suffers even more damage (stagflation). Already, the GDP of the United States suggests that it has entered a period of stagflation. In other words, the United States is in trouble. Actually, it's quite serious trouble.

Reference 4) U.S. GDP slows to +1.6% in the first quarter, lowest growth in two years, accelerating inflation

This article mentions inflation, but it should actually be referred to as stagflation. The United States is already in a stagflationary environment, which is inflation during a recession. That's why the U.S. is in a panic about the prospect of U.S. bonds being sold off. It's likely they went to China to beg for this reason. Under these circumstances, how can the finance minister of Japan, a subsidiary of the United States, intervene in USD/JPY? Could you, self-proclaimed professionals, explain that? That's how you make a living, right? Tell me.

2.Bank of Japan ramping up its ability to ignore

So, at the recent Bank of Japan policy meeting, it was quite something. They made their announcement like a flat soda. The world held its breath at the flatness of the announcement, seriously. They really ought to set a specific time for these Bank of Japan policy announcements; it's best to avoid needlessly confusing the market. Anyway, here's the flat announcement for you:

Reference 5) Dates and outcomes of financial policy meetings


It's unbelievably short, lol. This might be the closest to the shortest announcement ever, even compared to the past few years. Well, the length of the text doesn't really matter; what's important is the content. But, to be honest, the content is almost nonexistent. There wasn't any Quantitative Tightening (QT) as anticipated beforehand (which would involve ending the purchase of government bonds), and the Bank of Japan's policy meeting passed without incident, leaving the Nikkei Average feeling kind of deflated.

According to a "quite well-informed" article that was leaked from Jiji Press beforehand, there was speculation that at the recent Bank of Japan policy meeting, there might have been a decision to "reduce government bond purchases." However, as it turns out, this speculation didn't materialize this time. Seriously, we'd appreciate it if they could refrain from leaking information that swings the Nikkei Average up and down. Nevertheless, in a rare occurrence where the speculation didn't pan out, could we consider it a success in terms of forward guidance? If all policies were decided exactly as leaked, there would be no surprises. By leaving room for unexpected moves, like a surprise attack, and by ignoring the leaks this time, could this be seen as a form of forward guidance?

Reference 6) Bank of Japan considers methods to reduce government bond purchases, effectively transitioning to quantitative tightening

I'm writing this quite plainly, including a bit of nagging, but when it comes to gauging the trend of USD/JPY, this decision by the Bank of Japan is crucial. Extremely crucial, in fact. It's so crucial that I'll take the time to explain it in detail.

The world is grappling with inflation. Notably, the United States and China are both troubled by inflation. If you're troubled by inflation, which means you're worried about rising yields, you might think, "Why not just lower interest rates?" But it's not that simple. Once yields start rising, they're unstoppable. It's easy to distribute money when you have zero interest rates, known as quantitative easing (QE/QQE). Anyone can do that. But lowering yields once they've started to rise is extremely difficult. There's only one way to do it: through a shock therapy, like the bursting of the dot-com bubble, the Asian financial crisis, or the Lehman Shock, which forcibly lowers yields by triggering an economic crisis that's too severe to ignore. But in the current environment of high stock prices, that's not feasible. So, both the United States and China continue to wrestle with their options: to lower yields or not. If you're not actively involved in the market, it can be quite challenging even for experts to grasp the significance of this, so let me explain it with an analogy.

There's something called brand value. Let's take Hermes, for example, or Birkin bags, anything expensive. Suppose there's something high-end. Then comes the Lehman Shock or some other crisis, and suddenly, these high-end products aren't selling as well, so they have to lower their prices. The market understands why they're lowering prices. "Well, of course they're not selling well, the economy's bad," everyone gets it. They endure the price cuts, and gradually, as the economy starts to recover, they can slowly raise prices again. When people see prices going up, they think, "Oh, the economy's getting better," and they're more willing to accept the high prices. However, imagine if in a market that was supposed to be improving, brands like Hermes suddenly lowered their prices. How would the market react? People would start to wonder, "Wait, isn't the economy supposed to be getting better? Why do they have to lower prices to sell their products?" They'd become suspicious, and the brand value would decline. This is similar to what's happening with the issue of interest rate cuts in the United States. In essence, to maintain the dollar's status as a reserve currency, once yields have been raised, they can't be lowered. Lowering them would raise doubts about the dollar's status as a reserve currency. But if yields keep rising, ultimately, the dollar's value against assets (and the consumer price index) will decrease, so in the end, the dollar's value will decline. So, whether yields go up or down, the dollar is in trouble either way. Of course, if the dollar's in trouble, it means all currencies are in trouble, except for gold and Bitcoin. However, I'll discuss that later. For now, just remember that the dollar is in a state where it can't be managed, whether yields rise or fall.

Amidst a world where everyone's racking their brains over interest rate cuts to escape inflation, there's one country, a kamikaze squadron, still sprinting full throttle with monetary easing (QQE). Yes, Japan. Japan's monetary easing is arguably the only thing barely holding off inflation worldwide, including in the United States. The ones bearing the brunt of this are the Japanese people. Clutching onto the depreciating Japanese yen, still believing they'll receive pensions that are steadily depreciating too, they're lured into the dream of homeownership, burdened with debt, while being continually squeezed by rising social security premiums and taxes, enduring packed trains where they're constantly told to just endure and die. It's akin to modern-day samurai, reminiscent of the kamikaze charge, embodying the spirit of perseverance. This is Japan, the beautiful country.

To be honest, if there had been any indication during the recent Bank of Japan (BOJ) decision meeting that quantitative tightening (QT), such as a reduction in government bond purchases altering the structure of QQE, was going to begin, I would have been somewhat wary of currency intervention. But there was absolutely nothing of the sort, was there? The fact that this QT, as per the pre-leak rumors, didn't materialize is a very significant point. If we take a cynical view, it implies that "the United States hasn't yet permitted Japan to withdraw from QQE." When the BOJ increases government bond purchases, currency is inevitably issued in return. When it comes to where that currency goes, it goes to the United States, directly or indirectly. So, the BOJ still has to provide dollars to the United States, which is why it can't stop QQE. Perhaps, there was even a thought by the conscientious Governor Kuroda, "Let's at least leak it in advance and prepare the ground." But Japan, the BOJ unilaterally stopping QQE and shifting to QT, is not allowed. It's not permitted. That's why the yen continues to weaken. Because if they were to shift to QT, there's even a slight possibility that the yen would appreciate (dollar would weaken) again. Both the Biden administration and the next Trump administration have the motive of wanting the dollar to weaken to some extent because their domestic manufacturing industries are suffering. However, from the perspective of more intelligent individuals like Yellen and Powell, they might think, "Are you guys crazy? If the dollar weakens, the United States will collapse, and that's not just about the manufacturing industry." And the Fed is above the United States in status because it's a private bank. I've said it many times, but it's important. So, the Fed lending money to the United States, with European nobility as the owners, is also important. Therefore, Powell of the Fed takes an overarching view of things, and Yellen, who receives this, seriously considers the U.S. fiscal situation. That's why they're pleading with China not to sell U.S. bonds and intervene, and they're telling Japan, "You should know what will happen if you sell U.S. bonds and intervene, you monkeys." Do you understand the significance? It might be complicated, but please imprint this structure in your mind over and over again.

3.They seem to be waiting for next year's spring labor negotiations

Now that we've covered the behind-the-scenes stories of the Bank of Japan's decision meeting, let's also quote some notable comments from Governor Ueda's press conference.

Reference 7) Bank of Japan Governor's Press Conference: Speculation about early rate hikes to prevent yen depreciation is receding

In essence, during a question or comment seeking to prevent yen depreciation (to make it appreciate), Governor Ueda reportedly stated, "We'll see the impact of yen depreciation on the inflation rate during next year's spring wage negotiations and make a judgment based on that" (I didn't watch it live, so I'm borrowing from articles).

I thought spring wage negotiations, or rather spring strikes, ended in the Azuchi-Momoyama period, but it seems they're still happening in Japan. Well done, everyone. It seems they'll increase wages by ¥50,000 during the spring negotiations, only to have ¥40,000 immediately taken away by taxes and social insurance premiums, ending up with less net pay – what a masochistic play. Anyway, there was talk of waiting for yen depreciation until next year's spring negotiations. This statement also seems to suggest that the Bank of Japan is tolerating yen depreciation to some extent, probably aligning with the United States. If we're talking about next year's spring negotiations, the dollar could probably go up to nearly 200 yen at that time, maybe even 220 yen? Well, I'm not sure anymore, but anyway, it's clear that the Bank of Japan can't easily raise interest rates (end QQE) without taking into account the intentions of the United States (Yellen). Japan will continue with QQE, buying dollars with newly issued currency, buying US stocks denominated in dollars through the new NISA, until the dollar dies. In other words, the answer is to go long on USD/JPY. There's no other option. If you don't go long on USD/JPY, you'll face a market where even your last hair will be plucked out.

4.So, how far will USD/JPY go?

It's 360 yen. That's the target. I've mentioned this before, but the ultimate target for USD/JPY is simply 360 yen. I won't reiterate the rationale here as I've written about it in previous articles. Today, I want to discuss the speculation of what happens after USD/JPY breaches 360 yen, assuming it does so in a few years. Since we're now talking about the future several years ahead, there's no concrete basis for this, but it seems quite plausible.

Firstly, if USD/JPY crosses 360 yen, the Japanese yen would likely depreciate significantly to something like 720 yen or even 1,080 yen. This would render the currency practically worthless, so the government would probably intervene before it gets to that point, perhaps by reverting to a fixed exchange rate system. However, even if they lock in the exchange rate at 360 yen, if Japan's economy hasn't recovered, its population hasn't increased, or its fiscal deficit hasn't improved, the depreciation of the yen would likely continue indefinitely behind the scenes, making it essentially the same outcome in the end.

Another possibility is that the dollar becomes Japan's settlement currency in the future. That's also conceivable. Look at Cambodia, for example—nobody's using the Riel, it's all dollars. It's possible that dollar settlements could become widespread in a few years. Given how spineless Japan has become, devoid of any remaining spirit of Yamato-damashii, it's plausible.

But you know what? Even the dollar itself is suspect. It's going to collapse, isn't it? Once the dollar collapses and is removed from consideration as the currency adopted for the world's fixed exchange rate system, gold or alternative currencies will likely absorb the dollar.

When it comes to alternative currencies, well, as usual, Bitcoin serves as the settlement currency. Alternatively, Bitcoin could become a reserve currency, accumulated in central bank reserves, with its credit guaranteed. This could pave the way for the issuance of high-speed settlement currencies like WBTC, which are backed by its credibility and accepted in the international currency markets. Ultimately, that seems to be the only future we can foresee.

Reference 7) Despite concerns about capital outflows from ETFs and regulatory tightening, Bitcoin price maintains above $63,000.

I guess the whole thing with the Bitcoin ETF is that the financial folks are either panicking, taking profits, or cutting losses. But seriously, isn't the whole market turmoil rooted in the inflation-stagflation scenario triggered by the retreat of the U.S. rate cut risk? Despite this stagflation crisis, why would anyone sell Bitcoin, the Noah's Ark of stagflation? It's beyond me. Whether they're just dumb or clueless, these investors, Americans or foreigners, trading physical ETFs, are exposing the true nature of the dollar. Within a few years, the dollar won't be a safe haven anymore. Selling Bitcoin and desperately buying dollars amidst a stagflation crisis only shows that both the dollar and the yen will fall until they hit rock bottom.

By the way, among the fiat currencies, the only one that seems to have a future, and one that I'm keeping an eye on to buy when the time is right, is the South African Rand. India and Africa are where it's at. As long as the Earth survives, India and Africa will remain strong, unless we see a population decline to a mere 100 million due to World War III. I plan to discuss this further in future articles or forums. There's no need to keep it a secret. If the yen is going down the drain, we have to protect ourselves. The 21st century is all about individuals choosing their countries and companies.

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