
Black beans

I took two lessons with teacher N today.
She is also one of my favorite teachers.
I took her lesson for the first time in two weeks, because of her Christmas and new year’s holiday. 
So, we had a lot of things to catch up on.

To be honest, I was relieved that she came back to the class, I was anxious if she comes back. 
At the same time, I was happy to know that she spent relaxing time with her family.

She asked me if I cook osechi. 
My answer was only cooked kuromame and matsumaeduke. 
I shared those pictures.
She said kuromame looks like grapes. 
I agreed with her opinion.
Regarding matsumaeduke, I explained it is a nice combination with rice. 
The ingredients are seaweed called kelp, carrots, roe squid, dried squid, herring roe kazunoko in Japanese, dried bonito, and so on. 
She said that she was familiar with bonito, she has eaten them with takoyaki.

She asked me if Japanese people eat mochi every day during the new year’s holiday. 
In my case, I ate mochi only once, but some people might eat them every day. 
Talking about mochi, she was curious about the Japanese colorful mochi. 
I realized she meant hishimochi for hinamatsuri. 
hinamatsuri is a girl’s festival. 

And then, she asked me about mochi ice, I suddenly made sure that she talked about yukimi daifuku. 
She asked me if I’d cooked mochi ice.
The answer was No, and I told her if I had an opportunity to cook mochi ice, I’ll send them to her. 
When she will receive them, they must already have gone.

Moreover, we talked about dogs. 
One of our common things is loving dogs.
I heard that she played with her friend’s puppy. 
It seemed like a caterpillar. 
If that puppy will have a baby in the future, she’ll be another caterpillar’s owner.
