Liu Guanshan リュウ グァンシャン

I'm a father of a cute boy, and an iOS…

Liu Guanshan リュウ グァンシャン

I'm a father of a cute boy, and an iOS Developer at LINE. I moved to Japan in January 2019. 日本語を勉強しています。よろしくお願いします。 Twitter: @guanshanliu



WWDC2019メモ - セッション604:ARCoachingOverlayView

I came to Japan at the end of January this year, and started to learn Japanese. To help my Japanese study, I decided to share short articles in Japanese. Becaus…

WWDC2019メモ - セッション604:ARCoachingOverlayView

I came to Japan at the end of January this year, and started to learn Japanese. To help my Japanese study, I decided to share short articles in Japanese. Because my Japanese is so bad and it can often
