On recent surroundings as to climate change

Watching recent move on climate change, I have lots of feelings unabled to speak out. However, they should be shown up as sentences, in order to make my mind clear. So I tried doing it. And I did it in English so every friends of mine can reach and think of it.

First of all, I always think of climate change as a moral and ethical issue. My pivot is clear; “All behaviours that stigmatise someone should be absolutely accused.” Imagine an adult and an infant with a little food. They both are hungry. The adult can say “I’m starving.” but the baby can’t say and crying all the time. The adult knows why he is crying, but says “Can I eat almost all of them?” pretending innocent. And he’s eaten them seeing him crying out.

The episode is kind of satire reflecting on COP28. While we are calling on climate justice, they are devouring fossil fuels with their faces serious. “Stop pretending to aim for target 1.5 degrees!”, which is a slogan among young activists, has totally ignored from the beginning to the end.

Some critics says “Face the real. It can’t be helped to excerbate climate change to some degree, right?” Some cynical people (most of all has privilege) says “Who cares however hard you call on? Take the constructive action.” Unfortunately, it is the real. We have to bite the bullet to understand the situation.

However, we don’t have to hesitate to take such actions at all. We have the right to show our thought and to take (non-violent) actions. And due to that, we could get to be in the success road. Our thought, creation, and hope make a great progress anytime, and voicing up is one of the powerful way of them.

I’m so scared of ongoing climate crisis, but I won’t give up for good. I WILL keep sowing seeds that create hope for next generation.
