
The Wolf is a Great God…Wolves are still considered "messengers of God" in the Japanese sense of the word.

#1868 #慶応4 #明治元 #9月8日 #一世一元の詔 #1870 #普仏戦争 #メス攻囲戦 #終結 #1873 #明治6 #政変 #朝鮮 #使節 #派遣 #中止 #決定 #征韓論 #西郷隆盛 #板垣退助 #参議 #辞表 #提出

É uma grande notícia especial. Mas, por algum motivo, não foi transformado em artigo.

C'est une grande nouvelle spéciale. Mais pour une raison quelconque, cela n’a pas été transformé en article.

Es sind große, besondere Neuigkeiten. Aber aus irgendeinem Grund wurde daraus kein Artikel gemacht.

Es una gran noticia especial. Pero por alguna razón, no se convirtió en un artículo.

È una grande notizia speciale. Ma per qualche motivo non è stato inserito in un articolo.

빅특집 소식입니다. 하지만 어떤 이유에서인지 기사로 나오지는 않았습니다.

É uma grande notícia especial. Mas, por algum motivo, não foi transformado em artigo.

C'est une grande nouvelle spéciale. Mais pour une raison quelconque, cela n’a pas été transformé en article.

Es sind große, besondere Neuigkeiten. Aber aus irgendeinem Grund wurde daraus kein Artikel gemacht.

Es una gran noticia especial. Pero por alguna razón, no se convirtió en un artículo.

È una grande notizia speciale. Ma per qualche motivo non è stato inserito in un articolo.

He was in direct conflict with the Buraku Liberation League and was often denounced, but he never bent his pen. A junior who writes lies with poor paraphrasing, how does he see it in the grave?

Japan was the poorest country in the world. A generation that lived for others "I was raised in Japan." 

The world was astonished by Japan's victory.

What an amazing country!…Dedication to the Development of the Motherland

The Japanese Conservative Party and Japan, the Land of Miracles'': The Origins of the Party Declaration.

At first glance, one can only assume that they were being used for the specific purpose of weakening Japanese society for a communist takeover.

#1688 #貞享5 #元禄元 #9月30日 #東山天皇 #元号 #貞享 #元禄 #改元 #1739 #ジェンキンス #戦争 #1864 #南北戦争 #ウェストポートの戦い #1868 #慶応4 #明治元 #9月8日 #明治天皇 #元号 #慶応 #明治 #改元