
The year 2014 marked a significant turning point in the "comfort women" issue, with the verification of the Kono Statement by the government and the resignation of the president of the Asahi Shimbun.



Lyrics Miwa "Yoshida" song-name: "Confusion(Kiss)" Translate Japanese to English

Takayuki Yoshida’s films TOUCH STONE (2017) and PONPOKO MOUNTAIN (2016)

[ 4/27の競馬予想 ] あっ、写真、新潟千直です. 寄ってるのは内枠っぽいですが外枠です. 真っ直ぐ走ればいいのにぃ〜


The facts of the comfort women issue, born initially from Mr. Yoshida's fraudulent testimony, will remain in the English literature when I write my paper. That is not good for them.

夢の続き "Dream" don't come morning,