


Be revived, the original Tachibana Sound! / よみがえれ、初代・橘サウンド! ~2024 橘ファミリーバンド・コンサート  

Prof. HIRAMATSU ~the 3rd anniv. of passing / 平松久司 先生 3周忌


China is the biggest violator of human rights in human history.The world's bullshit is that China is a member of the UN Human Rights Commission.


The stupidity of the Japanese government and the people who continue to allow this behavior has reached an irredeemable level.


Reprint) An impressive video in memory of Prof.Hiramatsu / 転載)平松先生を偲ぶ 感慨深い動画

What we must have, whatever we need to keep developing and achieving a stable world now, is to stop the anti-Japanese education of the Korean Peninsula and China.United Nations Commission on Human Rights!


【新刊 / Publication】Spirituality as a Way: The Wisdom of Japan


🎬グッバイ、リチャード! 105本目 22.12.09【友朱瑠の映画note】



Prof. HIRAMATSUーGuide to the Video of His Late Speech / 平松久司先生の 晩年の講演動画のご案内

【世界5大陸で弾く”完全作曲ツアー”】公演再開(後編年末年始15days)~youtube”BASSNINJA Q&A”通算200回~昆虫食新作『エゾイナゴフライト(音源付)』発売

今沢カゲロウ・昆Tuberかずきのクリスマスライブ『昆虫がつなぐ 音楽、絵画、食の世界』in 平城京 2022/12/3

■ In memoriam of Professor H. Hiramatsu / 追悼 平松 久司 先生 ■