
In short, [Willpower] is a matter of ...

Is it true that <willpower> is infinity?
This is a third story of thinking about <Willpower>. And before we discussed with “Eventually <Will-Power> Does Not deplete Even You Use A Lot” at the first time and “Could <WillPower> Be Unlimited Resource In Fact!” At the second.

So there may be someone want to shout “Are you kidding me? <Willpower> is not infinity at all! If so, nobody needs to make their effort! You know!!” Well, I agree with that because if <willpower> is infinity, person who are on a diet will succeed or continue exercising for long time but they stop because they don’t have self-control(willpower). That is why most of us feels right about <willpower> is consumed.

So this time let’s focus on introducing an alternatives of “Depletion of <willpower>” and then talking to “So how and what we think of <willpower>?” Could be logical thinking so if you enjoy like “life hack talks”, this is not right time for you or next time.

First of all, this is a referential theory by Professor Robert Kruzban from Pensilvania University for you below a book named “Why everyone(else) is a hypocrite”

Let’s say what it tries to tell us in a word is “Human mind is couple of bulk material modules”.
The theory of our brain is the programs which are assembled many functions like “Module of habit of eating” and “Module of sabotage exercising” like that.

Each modules play a part in particular role so often conflicting one another. Usually one of module you have operates “Module of on a diet” but once you see snacks in front of you, then another module like “Module of biting bit of sweet snack on stomach” pops up and conflicts each other.

Depletion of <willpower> is because cost of modules goes up
Professor Kruzban also says that because you just think the movement of module would be depletion of <willpower> as if it is an illusion.
What does it mean by?
* A module of “eating habit” is operated in front of you
* When you fight with thinking not to eat, that module helps raising up “eating habit” module
* The more too much raising up that module, the more you can’t resistant yourself making yourself justified
* Can’t control “eating habit” at all

It doesn’t only reduce a resource of <willpower> but also increase cost of module that makes you are uncontrollable statement. It’s quite interesting theory, isn’t it?

<Willpower> will be reset by simple reward
Professor Kruzban actually did an experiment before showed that <willpower> was seemingly reduced but once it was gotten a simple reward gaining back a subject’s self-control ability like they got a water with sugar. Even the subjects are forced not to take a bite sweet snacks, but after that when they got almost same reward with forced one, then their <willpower> recovered. Sounds hopefulness.

However, above experiment was very simple that doesn’t count to real world so don’t get it so easy way.

For example, there are many modules you will be conflicted such as when you think “What I will do tonight...” and many modules popping up and operating “Drinking”, “Playing with friends”, “Doing nothing”, or “Studying” like that. It depends on a situations where and what you are, a priority has been changed frequently in your mind. It can explain a lot phenomenons.

<Willpower> changes depending on priority
Those modules explain well about brain functionings but somewhat it’s difficult to use I guess because when you suppose many modules in mind, it can be harder to be inapplicable in real world.

Shall we take a look at more practical models which PhD. Michael Inzlicht and fellows from Toronto University presented in 2012’s study.

He is also a professor in one of a party that is saying “Willpower doesn’t deplete” and he developed “Resource model of self-control” simply saying what the the process model is “Willpower is changed by the priority
When you think or feel like your “willpower” decreasing because you can’t control it but the fact is, from the process model, it just because a situation has been changed making your motivation’s direction has been changed too.
For example, when you feel like not want to go to the gym today, but when a female who you have a feeling asking you go to the gym together. You will immediately change your mind or boost up your motivation. So a circumstance which you are at loosing self-control, it does not mean you lost your “willpower” but you only hate controlling yourself.
It’s connected with introduced above “module theory”, that is, both of them focuses on”The priority of particular circumstance”.

So what is <Willpower> in the end?
Let’s summary “What is a issue of <Willpower> then?” once again.

* <Willpower> is the issue of strategy

I can tell that for the issue for <willpower>. For example, when you study until late night and becoming hated it, but rethink or change it the way of like “Changing the topic which you are really into it” so your <willpower> may regain again. Something like that. If you choose <ego-depletion> theory for that matter, you really need to be cautious to think like “I can not be helped because self-control has been depleted...”

If you keep going on with that kind of theory...
* Is it useless to train <Willpower> in the end?
* Perhaps, you just don’t need to think < willpower> from the beginning at all?
To be connected like that... but I assume it’s already too long enough for this time so let’s talk about those things and next time let’s talk about “What is a characteristics a person who has <willpower>?” with specific methods of self-control if possible. So bye for now.
