
Gross note for vol. 46 - 65

今日のGross note はvol.46~65までです。

46.No wonder we cannot have a good rest.(SがVしても不思議ではない = No wonder S V)
47.How many times do I have to tell you that ?(何度言ったらわかるの?)
48.They cautioned him to avoid running at the area that was not bright.(人がVするように注意する/警告する = caution 人 to V)
49.We were so engrossed in the conversation with all of you.(夢中にさせる/熱中させる = engross)
50.In response to the incidents, (〜に応じて = In response to〜)
51.Please set your mobile phone to silent mode and refrain from talking on the phone.(Vを控える = refrain from Ving)
52.It is impossible for them to dig out the details.(掘り出す/深堀する = dig out)
53.I'm on the way to see a doctor.(〜の途中で = on the way)
54.It is supposed to rain today according to the weather forecast.(Vしそうだ = be supposed to V)
55.I was referred to you by Tanaka san.(私があなたに紹介される = I am referred to you)
56.Would it be possible to allocate additional units to support this positive turnaround in business ?(ビジネスの好転 = positive turnaround in business)
57.Climate change triggered by human activities is the main factor behind Antarctica’s ice loss.(事を起こす/きっかけとなる = trigger)
58.He has been making an effort for the sake of long-term gains.(~の利益のために/~のために = for the sake of~)
59.On second thought, I want something cold to drink.(やはり、 = On second thought,)
60.I wonder they look nice on me. Can I try these on ?(試着して良いですか? = Can I try 〇〇 on ?)
61.You owe an explanation to our customer about the increase in cost.(~の義務を負っている = owe)
62.Higher temperature can kill insects that are key to coffee’s reproduction in the wild.(~の鍵となる = key to~)
63.One reason for the increase in theft cases is the government’s crackdown on drugs.(~の取り締まり = crackdown on~)
64.They are in danger of running out in a few decades.(尽きる/切れる = run out)
65.People dispose of around 10 million smartphones on a monthly basis in European countries alone.(~を処分する = dispose of~)

毎日英文を選び、note up し、その過去の集積(直近20回分)がこのGross noteなわけですが、私自身過去10回分の削除と新規10回分の追加の校正をしながら、必ずすべてに目を通すようにしています。今回の20回分のうち、私自身の難解度Best3は、「夢中にさせる/熱中させる = engross」「~の利益のために/~のために = for the sake of~」「~の取り締まり = crackdown on~」ですね!

