
01. SAD STATION(Lyrics)(English Subs)

Good Grief's 1st LP, "SAD STATION,"  just dropped today.

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After giving the first cry into the Japanese pop-punk scene, I have struggled for those seven years on the grind.

The opening track, "SAD STATION," is about the footprints I've made along the way and the outside world we want to fly over to.

The theme of the song is my high school life.

Ten years ago, I was a boy in a small town in Ibaraki who was obsessed with pop-punk, blasting out the songs of bands like Chunk! No, Captain Chunk!, Real Friends, The Story So Far in the headphones on the train to school.

After an exam in the morning, I was on a train back home as school finished before noon. It was a quiet train with no more than five-six people on board.

With the lonely view from the car window, I would reflect on my double-sided feelings: the warmth from my hometown and the melancholy towards my repetitive 1-hour ride.

The sun shower that started during the ride home had stopped when I arrived at my nearest station. I gazed at the glass ceiling of the waiting room, dreaming of the unknown world.

"Take this lonely boy somewhere he has yet to see."

The boy's words would sound like this when you put them into a song. 

Sad Station
You call my name
From the sad station
To distant places

The voice echoes through the glass ceiling
A rainbow of sounds
So bright like it's never been

Sad Station
You call my name
From the sad station
To distant places

(Take this lonely boy somewhere
Before the rain starts)
