
オンライン公演"e le stelle"配信開始!(2020/12/22)




コーラス・インフィニ☆オンライン公演"e le stelle"

*演奏 合唱:コーラス・インフィニ☆
*指揮:湯田佳寿美 荒木泰俊
*ピアノ:横山紘子 菊池大成
*スタッフ ディレクション・編集:大辻愛由香

*Please check the program from the summary column
*Chorus:Chorus Infini☆
We are a female choir formed in 2008 at the Tama area, Tokyo. We have been holding the regular concert every year and we appear in regional concerts and contests, and in other events. In 2017, we performed in a joint charity concert “Mūsų sakuros” in Japan and Lithuania to support repair of the Sugihara House in Lithuania. That year, we received the gold medal in the chamber chorus section of the Tokyo chorus contest. In 2019, we received the silver medal in the chamber chorus section of the Tokyo International Chorus Competition. We have plans to premiere J. Kalcas's suite "IL CANTICO DEL SOLE" in 2021.
*Conductor:Kasumi Yuda, Yastoshi Araki
*Pianist:Hiroko Yokoyama, Taisei Kikuchi
*Staff Director & Editor:Ayuka Otsuji
*Camera:Ayuka Otsuji、Masami Matsubara
