
常寂光寺で静寂な時をすごす  Spend a quiet time at Jojakko-ji Temple


On the afternoon of the day of Choyo, I sat down on the lower edge of the eaves behind the main hall of Jojakko-ji Temple and took a rest.
It was a long walk from Hankyu Arashiyama Station to Jojakko-ji Temple via Nison-in Temple for the first time in a long time. l felt pain in my leg with the sensation of walking for the first time in a while. The rest on the porch at that time was a relief for my mind and body.


In front of me is a small pond, and a rain frog resting on a stone in the pond. The eyes of the rain frog, which is fluttering from time to time, meet my gaze. Beyond the pond was a moss-covered slope, which was a great place to rest for a while. The sun shining from time on was shining on the dark green moss.
Forgetting the time, l enjoyed the irreplaceable time of being in silence.


リポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二 場所 / 京都・常寂光寺 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe
