
移りし季節の潮音庭を堪能  Enjoy the changing seasons of the Choontei Garden


Most of the visitors to Kennin-ji Temple are fascinated by the beauty of the Karesansui garden in the courtyard. It is a garden called "Choontei". In the corner surrounded by the Shoin, the Daishoin, and the passageway, the fresh green shines in this season, and it turns red in the fall.
A microcosm is created there with maples and stones. Maples are of course alive. I have heard the words of Mr. Yasuo Kitayama, who created and supervised this Choontei, saying that the stones that are assembled in stone are naturally alive.




The "Choontei" can be viewed from four directions, and the stones are arranged around the middle stone in the center of the three stones, maintaining a well-balanced and exquisite beauty from any direction. Zazenseki is placed on the east side of Sansonseki, and pebbles are scattered around it. This may also be an expression of exquisite aesthetics.
Every time l visit Kennin-ji Temple, l will be able to enjoy the seasonal Choontei.



     上) 西から眺める潮音庭  下) 東北からの潮音庭

レポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二   場所 / 京都 建仁寺・潮音庭   Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe 
