
西宮の固有種「今津紅寒桜」、ただ今満開中!  Nishinomiya's endemic species "Imazu Beni kanzakura" is in full bloom right now!


Today is Vernal Equinox Day. It is said that the length of day and night will be the same (strictly speaking, day is a little longer).
As with the Autumnal Equinox Day, it was thought that "the day when this bank (current life) and the equinox (the world after death) are the easiest to the most accessible day ", so it is believed that worshiping toward the west on this day will give merit. Therefore, it is said that the memorial service was started on the middle day (holiday) of the spring equinox.
The spring equinox is one of the twenty-four solar terms, and the vegetation gradually sprouts withstanding the cold, making us feel the arrival of spring. It is also a day to praise nature and care for living things.


Yesterday, I went to see the cherry blossoms that are proudly blooming. One of them was in full bloom in a small park in Imazu-cho, Nishinomiya City, as if it was set in the middle of the day on the equinoctial week.
I ran a bicycle to see this one.


This cherry blossom is endemic species to Nishinomiya City. The cherry blossoms found in the resting park of a small citizen of Imazu were certified as an endemic species of Nishinomiya, and in 2020, they were named "Imazu Beni Kanzakura" by a public offering. It blooms early from early to mid-March, and is characterized by large bowl-shaped petals, which are deep pink when it is a bud.


Nishinomiya is famous as a famous place for cherry blossoms, but among the many cherry blossoms that exist, Nishinomiya has three endemic species (original species). Including this "Imazu Beni Kanzakura", "Nishinomiya Gongen Hirazakura" and "Shukugawa Maizakura". Imazu Beni kanzakura is in early bloom, but the other two are yet to come. At the time of full bloom, l will introduce the co-starring of three kinds of beauty.








リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe
