
地域のイベントにはお寺の役割が大きい 「佛日寺寄席」のおもしろさ発見 Discover the fun of "Butsunichiji Yose", where the temple plays a big role in local events!


Following last week's regional festival centered on the Takarazuka / Heirin-ji rakugo, yesterday, Ikeda City's "Butsunichiji Yose" was held. The temple itself plans to expand the circle of activities for promote exchanges between the temple and local residents and to use it as a driving force for regional revitalization.


Yesterday's rakugo party was held at Butsunichi-ji Temple in Ikeda City, Osaka Prefecture, which is said to be the birthplace of rakugo. Since Ikeda City is the place where the "Japan's No. 1 Final Battle for Adult Rakugo" is held every year, the banquet at Butsunichi-ji Temple was lively with the co-starring of three amateur Rakugo artists. Every year, more than 3,000 amateur rakugo enthusiasts apply (tape) for the best amateur rakugo match in Japan, and about half of them go to the main match (Ikeda City) by the tape selection. The qualifying session and the final match will be held for two days in several venues. The final 10 people will be selected and the best match in Japan will be held, and the remaining rakugo powerhouse will show off their well-trained rakugo and aim to be the best in Japan.

今回の佛日寺寄席では、第一回目の決定戦のチャンピオンや過去のファイナリストの落語家さんが登場。それぞれが “落語は わが人生!” とおっしゃる方々ばかり。チャンピオン経験者である「五月家ちろり」さんは池田市内で居酒屋を営む女将さん。「猪名川亭喜真理」さんは主婦。ご主人のサポートを受けながら落語のレッスンの日々。高座に上がるときはご主人が裏方でサポートされる、夫婦落語家さん。そして今回の男一点の「池田家夢彦」さんは池田市の元消防長さん。小学生の時から落語にはまり半世紀というつわもの。

At this time, the champion of the first decisive battle and the past finalist Rakugoka-san will appear at the Buddhist temple vaudeville. All of them say, "Rakugo is his life!" "Satsukiya Chirori" who has experience as a champion is a landlady who runs a tavern in Ikeda city. "Inagawatei Kimari" is a housewife. Days of rakugo lessons with the support of her husband. A couple rakugo who is supported behind the scenes when going up to stage. And this time, one man, " Ikedaya Yumehiko," is a former fire chief of Ikeda City. He has been addicted to rakugo since he was in elementary school for half a century.
Everyone, not professionals, but amateurs. They enjoys rakugo from the "amateur perspective" that is cherished in stage. The same line of sight with the customer, which is not found in professional rakugo artists, soothes the heart and makes people laugh. It seems that the rakugo artist also said, "This time, there wasn't a rakugo party that was united with the customer, it was great!"


今回の寄席タイトルに「隠元禅師350年大遠忌」というのが付いている。落語が始まる前に住職さんから隠元禅師とは? から始まり宗派のことやお寺の歴史、そして地域の歴史なども解りやすく解説されていた。「同じ町内にいながら知らないことばかり。こんな話が聞けて良かった」という参加者の声が聞こえてきた。

The main purpose of this time's Buddhist temple vaudeville is to interact with local people and the temple. Nowadays, it is said that the temple is away, and it is one of the important themes to let many people know the information about the temple. In particular, rakugo is easy to get used to in activities that spread the understanding of temples that exist in the area and are for that area.
The title of this vaudeville is "The 350th Anniversary of the lngen Zen Master". Before the rakugo began, the chief priest explained what the lingen Zen Master was, and the denominations, the history of the temple, and the history of the area were explained in an easy-to-understand manner. I heard the voices of the participants saying, "I'm in the same town, but I don't know anything about it. I'm glad I heard this story."
In addition, after the story of the chief priest, all the participants read the Prajna Shinkyo sung by monk. I'm not the only one who was relieved to see the unique sight of a temple.



In addition, the customer said that he is looking forward to the next time, and at the same time as the rakugo party, the chief is looking forward to selling vegetables grown by local people in the garden etc. It was like.


リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe
