






We have initiated a project to help wonderfully talented high school students pursue a career in art and fine arts. In this project, we will lend them iPads to help them further develop their artistic talents.

Students will be asked to utilize their iPads to create creative works of art, which will then be made into NFTs to be shared with art lovers and collectors around the world. Seventy percent of the proceeds from the sale of the NFTs will be used to sustain the project and support the next generation of artists. The remaining 30% will go directly back to the students to help them grow their education and artistic practice.

We hope that through your donation, you will support the growth of our future artists and help open up new artistic possibilities in the world. For those who donate, we would like to consider a special thank-you gift, such as an airdrop of one of the students' favorite NFT artworks or an invitation to a special event.

We hope that as many people as possible will identify with this project and support the dreams of these young artists. We sincerely appreciate your support.

If you would like to make a donation, please transfer the amount to the account below.

◼️BUSD(BEP20),ETH,matic,USDT(erc20orBEP20or polygon)

