
Drink with colleagues / English meeting

Hi I'm Keishi!
I keep a diary to learn English. Thank you for reading!
Please be patient my terrible English. haha
Today too, I'm going to write about a few good things happened around me as usual.

1. Drink with colleagues

Our team takes place once a month in person meeting at the office, and that was on Monday. I don't like to commuting to the office, but I recently started to think it may not be bad that much. It may be changing my mind and meeting with colleagues is a kind of fun. After the meeting, we went have a drink. Although I don't like drinking so much, sometimes may be nice. I could catch up their news and had a nice time.

2. English meeting

Since my boss has been changed from Japanese to foreigner, I come to sometimes have a meeting in English. It should've been my hope, but it is tough to concentrate through the meeting when it comes out. I should remember what I wanted and who I want to be, and I will do my best!

Thank you for reading!



Thank you so much🙌 溜まったお金で、また何か買ってレビューさせて頂きます😁