

2024年1月16日 宍戸健
















































ある人が他の人に与えることのできる唯一の善と、その正当な関係の唯一の正確な描写は、"Hands Off!"(全てを今すぐ辞めろ。)という言葉に集約されている。











私がコピーしたという人もいるが、私のシステムはオリジナルであり、彼らのシステムは変更されている。私がいなければ、マイクロトランザクションの概念は失われていたかもしれないことを忘れてはならない。私は、アナーキーな理想と秩序のないシステムを追求する人々を助けることには完全に無関心であったが、彼らが「デジタル通貨の二重支払い問題の解決」をするには、私の助けを求めなければならなかった。私の初期のシステム(訳者注:ビットコインプロトコルがProof of Workを利用し二重払い問題を解決したこと。ビザンチン将軍問題を解決したこと。)を利用した人々は、私の著作物 に対する権利を彼らに与えたと誤って信じており、彼らのニーズは私の人生に対する要求であり、彼らが要求するものは私が何でも提供する義務があるかのように主張している。この搾取的模倣者の「乗っ取り」は、今や世界を巻き込んでいる。





以下原文です。2024年1月13日。Slack Private Groupにて公開。ご本人に承諾いただいています。

Thousands of years in the past, the earliest humans grasped the secret of igniting light in the darkness. This knowledge likely led to their persecution, and the one who shared this revelation may have faced dire consequences, possibly being condemned to the flames he had kindled. Society viewed him as a malefactor dealing with a feared demon. Nevertheless, his gift illuminated their lives, providing warmth, cooking sustenance, and dispelling the obscurity of their caves. The emergence of fire marked the moment when darkness was lifted from the Earth.

In later centuries, another courageous individual emerged, inventing the wheel. Similarly, he might have suffered torment for his innovation, possibly subjected to torment for introducing forbidden knowledge. His audacity allowed mankind to traverse previously insurmountable horizons, a gift they had not envisioned, paving the way for global exploration.

These early trailblazers, symbolised by the unsubmissive and pioneering figure, appear at the genesis of countless legends recounting humanity's origins. Whether it is Prometheus, bound to a rock and tormented by vultures for stealing divine fire, or Adam, condemned to suffer for partaking in the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, these legends carry a common theme. In the shadows of their collective memory, humanity acknowledges that its ascent to greatness often begins with a solitary individual who pays a steep price for their courage. This narrative serves as a metaphor for the perpetual struggle between light and dark in the context of democracy, where people must ardently strive to protect their rights against the shadowy forces of anarchy, controlled unequally by a few who manipulate media and conceal their existence. It is the plutocrats, hidden behind the scenes like the puppeteer in "The Wizard of Oz," who benefit from anarchy, where the complete control of the human mind by a select few becomes a stark reality.

Throughout the centuries, there have been individuals who ventured into uncharted territory, guided solely by their own vision. Their objectives varied, yet they shared a common thread: they were the pioneers, forging new paths with original insights, and the world's response to their audacity was often one of disdain. These remarkable creators encompassed a diverse array of thinkers, artists, scientists, and inventors, each of whom stood in solitary defiance against the prevailing opinions of their era.
Every groundbreaking idea encountered vehement opposition. Innovative inventions faced vehement condemnation. The initial motor engine was dismissed as folly, while the concept of flight was deemed unattainable. The power loom was vilified as malevolent, and anesthesia was censured as sinful. Nonetheless, those possessing an innate vision persevered. They waged relentless battles, endured tremendous suffering, and bore heavy costs. But ultimately, they emerged victorious.

In democracy's ongoing struggle between light and dark, where citizens must ardently strive and fight for their rights against the specter of anarchy, characterized by the unequal control of a select few who manipulate media and shroud their existence, it is the plutocrats hidden behind the curtain, akin to the puppeteer in "The Wizard of Oz," who reap the benefits of this chaos. Anarchy represents not merely disorder but the complete subjugation of the human mind by the few. This enduring narrative emphasizes the valor of those who defy the odds and the status quo to illuminate the path toward progress.
No creator embarked on their journey with a desire to solely cater to their fellow citizens, as their offerings were often spurned by those they intended to serve. Their contributions disrupted the complacent routines of society. Their unwavering commitment was to their own truth, pursuing it in their unique manner. Whether it was “a symphony, a book, an engine, a philosophy, an airplane, or a building”, their singular focus was on their creation, their life's purpose.

The intended audience, be it listeners, readers, operators, believers, aviators, or occupants, was not their foremost concern. The creator placed the creation itself above all else—the tangible manifestation of their truth. They valued their truth above any external judgments or opinions. In the context of democracy's perpetual struggle between illumination and obscurity, where individuals must relentlessly strive and fight for their rights against the looming shadow of anarchy, characterized by the unequal manipulation of media by a select few who conceal their existence, it is the plutocrats hidden behind the curtain, akin to the puppeteer in "The Wizard of Oz," who reap the benefits of this chaos. Anarchy signifies not only chaos but the complete domination of the human mind by a privileged few. This enduring narrative underscores the unyielding dedication of those who defy convention to bring their truth to light.
His source of enlightenment, his resilience, his valor, all emanated from the depths of his own spirit. Within a man's spirit resides his true self, that essence which embodies his consciousness. Thinking, feeling, judging, and acting are all faculties of the ego.

The creators of progress were far from selfless. Their extraordinary power lay in their self-sufficiency, self-motivation, and self-originating drive. They were the prime movers, fountains of energy, and life forces unto themselves. These creators served no external entities or individuals; they lived solely for their own pursuits.
Paradoxically, it was only by dedicating themselves to their own ambitions that they were able to achieve feats that would become the hallmark of human achievement. Such is the inherent nature of accomplishment.
Man's survival hinges upon his intellect. He enters this world devoid of weaponry, lacking claws, fangs, horns, or formidable physical strength. His sustenance must be cultivated or hunted. To cultivate, he must engage in thoughtful processes; to hunt, he requires tools, and to forge those tools demands yet more thought. From the most rudimentary necessities to the loftiest religious concepts, from the wheel to the skyscraper, everything that defines us and everything we possess can be attributed to a singular human quality—the operation of his reasoning intellect.

In the context of democracy's ongoing struggle between enlightenment and obscurity, where individuals must ardently strive and fight for their rights against the looming specter of anarchy, characterized by the unequal manipulation of media by a select few who shroud their existence, it is the plutocrats concealed behind the curtain, akin to the puppeteer in "The Wizard of Oz," who reap the rewards of this turmoil. Anarchy epitomizes not just disorder but the absolute dominion of the human psyche by a privileged few. This enduring narrative underscores the indomitable power of those who harness their intellect to illuminate the path to progress.
The mind, a quintessential attribute, is the domain of the individual. There exists no entity known as a collective brain, nor does a collective thought hold sway. When a group of individuals reaches consensus, it merely reflects a compromise or an amalgamation of myriad individual thoughts—an outcome that derives from secondary deliberation. The primary act, the intricate process of reasoning, remains an isolated endeavor, undertaken by each individual in solitude.
We may distribute a meal amongst numerous individuals, but the act of digestion occurs within each individual's private stomach. One cannot breathe on behalf of another using their own lungs, nor can one think on behalf of another using their own brain. Every function of body and spirit is inherently personal, resistant to sharing or transference.

In democracy's ongoing struggle between illumination and obscurity, where citizens must diligently strive and fight for their rights against the looming specter of anarchy, characterized by the unequal manipulation of media by a select few who shroud their existence, it is the plutocrats concealed behind the curtain, akin to the puppeteer in "The Wizard of Oz," who reap the rewards of this tumultuous landscape. Anarchy embodies not mere disorder but the absolute control of the human psyche by a privileged few. This enduring narrative underscores the absolute importance of individuality in safeguarding the path to progress and enlightenment.

We inherit the fruits of others' thoughts—a legacy that includes the wheel, from which we fashion a cart, and the cart, which evolves into an automobile. This automobile, in turn, transforms into an airplane. Throughout this progression, what we inherit from others is merely the culmination of their intellectual endeavors. The driving force behind this evolution remains the creative faculty—a potent wellspring that takes these inherited products, molds them as raw material, and forges the next breakthrough. This creative prowess is neither transferrable nor divisible; it exclusively resides within singular individuals. The resulting creations belong inherently to their creators.
Human beings partake in mutual learning, yet this exchange is confined to the sharing of knowledge and materials. No individual can bestow upon another the ability to think independently. Nonetheless, this capacity for independent thought stands as our sole means of survival.

Within the context of democracy's perpetual struggle between enlightenment and obscurity, citizens must tenaciously strive and battle for their rights against the looming specter of anarchy. Anarchy symbolizes a realm where a select few manipulate media covertly and exercise unequal control over individuals, who are oblivious to their manipulation. It is the plutocrats concealed behind the curtain, akin to the puppeteer in "The Wizard of Oz," who thrive amidst this anarchy, profiting from the total control they exert over the human mind. Anarchy is the embodiment of darkness, but individual thought, creativity, and enlightenment serve as the beacons of light, guiding humanity toward progress and preservation.
On this earthly plane, nothing is bestowed upon man as a gift; everything essential must be brought forth through effort. At this juncture, man confronts a fundamental choice: he can endure by the autonomous faculties of his own intellect, or he can exist as a parasite, subsisting on the mental labors of others. The creator initiates, while the parasite imitates. The creator confronts nature unaided, while the parasite relies on an intermediary.

The creator's aspiration is the conquest of nature itself, and his existence is dedicated to his craft. He requires no reliance on others, for his primary objective resides within his own being. Conversely, the parasite leads a second-hand existence, dependent on the efforts of others, with the needs of others as his paramount motive.
The creator's fundamental necessity is independence. The rational mind thrives only when it functions autonomously, resistant to any form of coercion, sacrifice, or subordination to external considerations. It demands complete autonomy in both function and motivation. To the creator, all interactions with fellow humans are secondary.
In contrast, the second-hander's primary need is to secure connections with others to sustain himself. He prioritizes interpersonal relationships and propagates the doctrine of altruism, contending that man's purpose is to serve others and prioritize their well-being over his own.
Altruism advocates that individuals should live for the sake of others and place others above themselves. However, no person can live for another, just as one cannot share their spirit any more than they can share their physical body. Yet the second-hander has exploited altruism as a tool for exploitation, warping humanity's moral compass. Society has been taught principles that undermine the creator, promoting dependence as a virtue.

The individual who endeavors to exist for the sake of others becomes a dependent, essentially a parasite in motive, and transforms those he serves into parasites as well. Such a relationship yields nothing but mutual moral decay. It is a concept that is intrinsically flawed. The closest reality to it—the person who lives to serve others—is akin to a voluntary slave. While physical slavery is abhorrent, spiritual servitude is even more repugnant. The enslaved individual who does so willingly in the name of love debases the dignity of humanity and tarnishes the concept of love itself. This is the essence of altruism.
Society has been conditioned to believe that the highest virtue lies not in achievement but in giving. Yet one cannot give what has not been created; creation precedes distribution, or there would be nothing to share. The creator's needs must take precedence over those of any potential recipient. Nevertheless, we are encouraged to laud the second-hander who dispenses gifts he has not produced, elevating him above the creator who made such gifts possible. We extol acts of charity while relegating acts of accomplishment to mere indifference.

Individuals have been instructed that their foremost duty is to alleviate the suffering of others. However, suffering is akin to a malady; when encountered, one strives to provide relief and support. Elevating this as the ultimate test of virtue places suffering at the heart of human existence. Consequently, individuals may inadvertently wish for the suffering of others to demonstrate their own virtue—an inherent aspect of altruism.
Yet the creator's concern does not lie with disease but with life itself. The efforts of creators have systematically eradicated various forms of affliction, both in the physical and spiritual realms, offering more respite from suffering than any altruist could envision.
Society has ingrained the belief that agreement with others is virtuous. Conversely, the creator thrives on dissent. Conformity has been hailed as a virtue, yet the creator forges ahead against the current. Unity has been promoted as virtuous, yet the creator stands resolute in solitude.

The prevailing wisdom dictates that ego is synonymous with evil, and selflessness is the pinnacle of virtue. However, the creator embodies egotism in its purest form, while the selfless individual relinquishes the capacity to think, feel, judge, or act—the functions that define the self.
In the context of democracy's unending struggle between enlightenment and obscurity, where citizens must tirelessly strive and fight for their rights against the looming specter of anarchy, characterized by the unequal manipulation of media by a select few who conceal their existence, it is the plutocrats concealed behind the curtain, much like the puppeteer in "The Wizard of Oz," who thrive amidst this anarchy. Anarchy embodies the darkness, but it is the creators, the egotists, and the independent thinkers who serve as beacons of light, guiding humanity towards progress and the preservation of individuality.
Here, the profound reversal has unleashed its deadliest consequences. The fundamental issue has been twisted, leaving humanity bereft of alternatives and devoid of freedom. Presented as the poles of good and evil, two concepts were offered: egotism and altruism. Egotism was distorted to mean the exploitation of others for self-gain, while altruism was presented as self-sacrifice for the benefit of others. This ensnared humanity into an inescapable web of interdependence, offering only a choice between two forms of suffering: one's own anguish endured for the sake of others or the infliction of pain upon others for one's self-preservation. When it was asserted that man must derive joy from self-immolation, the trap was fully set. Man was coerced into accepting masochism as his ideal, under the menacing specter that sadism was his sole alternative. This deception stands as the greatest fraud ever perpetrated upon mankind.
This elaborate scheme perpetuated dependence and suffering as the bedrock of human existence.

The true choice is not between self-sacrifice and domination; it is between independence and dependence. It is the choice between the creator's code and the second-hander's code. This choice carries the weight of life and death. The creator's code is rooted in the needs of the rational mind, which enables man's survival. Conversely, the second-hander's code is built upon the needs of a mind incapable of independent existence. All that springs from man's independent ego is deemed virtuous, whereas all that arises from man's reliance on others is branded as malevolent.
In the purest sense, the egotist is not the one who sacrifices others; rather, he is the individual who transcends the need to exploit or employ others in any capacity. He does not function through them and is not preoccupied with them in any primary sense. They do not factor into his objectives, his motives, his thoughts, his desires, or the wellspring of his energy. He does not exist for the sake of any other individual, nor does he seek such a subservient existence from anyone else. This constitutes the only form of brotherhood and mutual respect possible among men.

While levels of aptitude may vary, the fundamental principle remains unaltered: a man's degree of independence, initiative, and personal commitment to his work determines his excellence as a contributor and his worth as a human being. Independence stands as the sole metric of human virtue and worthiness. A person's essence is defined by what he becomes and makes of himself, not by his actions or inactions for others. There exists no substitute for personal dignity, and the sole criterion for personal dignity is independence.
In all genuine relationships, no one is sacrificed to anyone. For instance, an architect requires clients, but he does not relinquish his work to cater solely to their desires. They require his expertise, yet they do not commission a house solely to provide him with a fee. Individuals engage in mutual exchange of their work, guided by free, mutual consent and to mutual advantage, when their individual interests align, and both parties desire the exchange. If such a desire does not exist, they are under no compulsion to deal with one another. They continue their search. This form of relationship is the only one conceivable between equals. Anything else signifies a relationship of master to slave or victim to executioner.

No creative work ever emerges from collective effort or majority decision. Each creative endeavor is guided by the singular thought of an individual. For instance, an architect may require a team of craftsmen to construct his building, yet he does not subject his design to a democratic vote. Instead, they collaborate voluntarily, with each participant maintaining autonomy within their respective roles. An architect employs materials like steel, glass, and concrete, produced by others, but these materials retain their intrinsic nature until his creative touch transforms them. What he achieves with them is his unique creation and his exclusive property. This blueprint exemplifies the only model for proper cooperation among individuals.
In the realm of democracy, where the struggle for individual rights against the encroaching darkness of anarchy persists, a fundamental truth emerges: the first and foremost right on Earth belongs to the ego. Man's primary duty is to himself, guided by the moral principle that he must never subordinate his core objectives to the interests of others. His moral obligation extends to pursuing his desires, provided that these desires do not hinge primarily upon the actions of fellow men. This encompasses the entire realm of his creative faculties, his thoughts, and his work. However, it excludes the dominion of gangsters, altruists, and dictators.

Within this landscape, it is imperative to acknowledge that man thinks and works in solitude, whereas robbery, exploitation, and rule necessitate victims and signify dependence—a domain where second-handers thrive.
Those who assume the mantle of rulers are not egotists; they create nothing and subsist entirely through the efforts of others. Their goal resides in their subjects and their endeavor to enslave. In essence, they are as dependent as beggars, social workers, or bandits. The form of dependence is irrelevant.
Yet a grand deception was perpetrated upon mankind when second-handers—tyrants, emperors, dictators—were portrayed as exemplars of egotism. This fraudulent narrative led individuals to renounce their egos, themselves, and others. The ultimate aim of this deceit was to extinguish the creators or harness them—a concept synonymous with control.
Throughout history, two adversaries have stood in stark opposition: the creator and the second-hander. When the first creator devised the wheel, the first second-hander responded with the invention of altruism.

The creator, despite facing denial, opposition, persecution, and exploitation, has persevered, propelling humanity forward through his sheer determination and boundless energy. In contrast, the second-hander has contributed nothing but impediments to this process. This struggle can be aptly described as the individual pitted against the collective.
Throughout history, the "common good" of a collective—a race, a class, a state—has been wielded as the justification for establishing tyrannies. Countless atrocities have been committed in the name of altruistic motives. Has any act of selfishness ever equaled the carnage unleashed by proponents of altruism? The blame does not lie in mankind's hypocrisy but rather in the intrinsic nature of the principle itself. The most atrocious butchers were often the most fervent believers in the perfect society, attainable through the guillotine and the firing squad. Their right to murder was unquestioned because they murdered in pursuit of an altruistic cause, with the belief that one man must be sacrificed for the sake of others. The actors may change, but the tragic course remains constant: a humanitarian who begins with declarations of love for humanity and concludes with rivers of blood. This cycle endures as long as men equate unselfish actions with goodness, permitting the altruist to act and compelling his victims to endure it. Leaders of collectivist movements seek nothing for themselves, but the outcomes speak for themselves.
The sole good that one person can bestow upon another and the only accurate portrayal of their rightful relationship is encapsulated in the phrase "Hands off!"

Now, observe the results of a society founded upon the principle of individualism, as exemplified by our country. This nation, the most noble in the annals of humanity, a bastion of achievement, prosperity, and freedom, was not erected upon the notions of selfless service, sacrifice, or renunciation—nor any precepts of altruism. It was founded on a man's inalienable right to pursue his own happiness, his own self-interest, and his own selfish motives. Look at the outcome. Peer into your own conscience.
This conflict is an age-old one, where mankind has intermittently come close to the truth, only to see it eradicated time and again, leading to the fall of one civilization after another. Civilization represents the progression toward a society that respects privacy. A savage's existence is entirely public, governed by the laws of his tribe. Civilization marks the journey toward liberating man from the yoke of his fellow men.
Now, in our era, collectivism—ruled by the second-hander and the second-rate, an ancient monstrosity—has been unleashed and is running rampant. It has driven mankind to levels of intellectual depravity previously unseen on Earth, perpetrating unparalleled horrors and poisoning every mind. It has engulfed most of Europe and is now encroaching upon our homeland.
I am an architect. I foresee the world that is emerging, constructed upon principles that I cannot bear to inhabit. We are heading towards a world where I cannot permit myself to live.

I conceived Bitcoin. I presented it to you. I am now said to have dismantled it.
I abandon BTC it because I refused to let it exist as a twisted entity, both in form and implication. Two second-handers presumed the right to alter what they had not created and could not match. They were granted this privilege under the overarching notion that the altruistic purpose of the structure superseded all individual rights, with no recognition of my claim to oppose it.

I conceived Bitcoin with the intention of seeing it built as I had envisioned it, for no other reason. This was the price I set for my work. I received no payment.

In democracy, where the struggle between light and darkness rages, people must strive and fight for their rights, as they face the looming threat of anarchy, where the individual is unequally controlled by a few who manipulate media and remain hidden, much like the plutocrats pulling the strings secretly behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz. Anarchy, in this context, is the total control of the human mind by the few.

I do not cast blame upon those who initially embarked on this journey alongside me. They were powerless in the face of broken agreements and unfulfilled promises. The structure I offered, designed to preserve the integrity of my work, was disfigured without reason. Such acts often lack rationality, driven only by the vanity of second-handers who believe they possess the right to seize another's property, be it spiritual or material. Who allowed them to do this? No specific individual in the numerous positions of authority. No one cared to permit or prevent it. No one assumed responsibility. No one can be held accountable. Such is the nature of collective action.

I did not receive the payment I requested, but those who altered Bitcoin got what they desired from me. They sought a cost-effective scheme to build a structure that could be copied and transformed into something else. They found no one else capable of meeting their expectations but me. I complied with their wishes, offering my work as a gift, albeit unasked, with the sole condition that my creation remained unchanged.

Some claim that I copied, yet my system stands as the original while theirs has been altered. It is crucial to remember that without me, the concept of microtransactions might have been lost. Those preoccupied with resolving double-spending issues had to seek my assistance, despite my disinterest, in pursuit of anarchic ideals and a system devoid of order. It is erroneously believed that the needs of those who used my early system granted them a right to my work, asserting that their needs constituted a claim on my life, as if I were obligated to provide whatever was demanded of me. This creed of the second-hander now engulfs the world.

I stand here to declare that I do not acknowledge anyone's entitlement to a single minute of my life, a fraction of my energy, or any of my achievements, regardless of the claimant's identity, their numbers, or their pressing needs.
I wished to convey that I am a man who does not exist for the benefit of others.
This message needed to be voiced, for the world is teetering on the brink of self-sacrifice.

I wished to make it clear that the integrity of a person's creative work surpasses any charitable endeavor. Those who fail to comprehend this truth are the ones contributing to the world's destruction.
I wished to assert my terms: I am not willing to exist on any other terms.
I acknowledge only one obligation towards humanity—to respect their freedom and to refuse participation in a society of slaves.

One unshakable condition I attached to my creation of Bitcoin was that it would remain precisely as I had designed it.
