

It's pitch-dark in here.
A little, there is water.
A little lukewarm.
This place is too small for me,
Sounds are heard from places unseen.

Suddenly something sharp struck me.
It didn't hit me, but it was very close.
The next moment I saw a light almost blinded me.
Blue hands sneak up on me.
I was to go out into the dazzling world, 
pulled by the hands.

Cannot open eyes.
I'm cold.
I don't cry, although I feel like crying.
Be a strong man.
The blue hand slaps my ass.
Crying indeed.
Blue hands held me and
placed me next to Mom.
Mom patted me.
"Thank you for being born."

Now I'm yelling at my parents.
I don't think I should be doing that.
I don't think it's the time to be talking 
about "second life" or something stupid like that.

(Kohei Okuma. "born". Wrote on December 19, 2022)
