
IELTS part 2 Speakingの回答例(skills)

【IELTS speaking Part2 英語スクリプト】

I was struggling to come up with something because I don’t think of myself as particularly talented or gifted so I wasn’t sure what skill I could pass on to others.  I’m pretty good at using a computer so if someone wasn’t computer literate I could teach them a thing or two, I suppose.

I’m not entirely sure when I first used a PC or how I learned how to use it. 
It’s been a gradual process and it’s something I’ve picked up over many years.  I’ve had no formal training. 
I’ve been using one for the best part of a decade now so I kind of know what I’m doing.  It’s not that I’m an expert, but I could teach someone the basics of Word, PPT, Excel, and so on.

In order to share my skills and knowledge, I would feel most comfortable doing it face-to-face because you can see what they are doing and guide them much more easily than doing it remotely

I did this kind of thing a few times when I was studying at university and we were working on group projects. Some of my classmates weren’t confident with using PPT so I went through how to put together a presentation with them before we started. I do it from time to time in my current job. What’s funny is that it’s never written in my job description.

I don't think I would tell you this in a job interview or in any other setting since it could be very basic skill sets in most jobs.

Of course, the level of skills varies by work environment and industry, but at least in the environment I grew up in, I have experience using these skills to help people.

【IELTS speaking Part2 日本語スクリプト】

自分では特に才能があるとは思っていないので、何か人に伝えられるスキルはないかと思い、悩んでいたのです。  パソコンを使うのは得意なので、もしパソコンに詳しくない人がいたら、少しは教えることができるかもしれません。

初めてPCを使ったのはいつなのか、どうやって使い方を覚えたのか、まったくわからないんです。 長年かけて、徐々に身につけてきたものなのです。  正式なトレーニングは受けていません。 もう10年以上使っているので、何をやっているかはなんとなくわかっています。  専門家というわけではありませんが、Word、PPT、Excelなどの基本を誰かに教えることはできます。






I wasn’t sure what skill I could pass on to others.

I could teach them a thing or two, I suppose.

I’ve been using one for the best part of a decade now
