
RE:UNION - Duo Blade Against - Deemo

Phyxinonアレンジ - ナイト・オブ・ナイツ - 

Deemoを弾けるYouTuberと云えば、真っ先に挙がるのがPhyxinonさんだろう。私もファンの一人なのだが、この投稿はそのPhyxinonアレンジを取り上げる。95小節目から3, 4小節に渡り、かのリフが演奏され、遊び心を感じる。改めて、Phyxinonさんに感服。

Phyxinon Arr. - Knight of Nights - 

When it comes to a Deemo piano player, Phyxinon will be at the top of the list. I'm one of his fans, too. This post is concerned about Phyxinon's arrangement. During a few bars from the 95 bar, the phrase known as a part of Kight of Nights is played. Thank you, Phyxinon. He's successfully lifted this song. 
This features as one of the hardest songs of Deemo. 






As a song

The characteristical scale

This song is always on the harmonic minor scales from the beginning to the last. Mainly its melody, in almost all parts, ♭Ⅶ becomes Ⅶ soon, modulating three times. The tempo is as high as BPM 202, and it has 16th notes, which makes it sound faster.  

The "aesthetic"

As I mentioned above, this song is overall on the harmonic minor scales. The Ⅶ sounds that appear twice every 4 bars cover the mood characteristic of classics. The three modulations are the ones aimed at adjusting the song's climaxes, proceeding as next; Bm→Cm→Dm→Cm. After the Dm, it gets relatively cooler by the lower whole-step modulation and finishes. 
The song mainly progresses with Ⅳ-ⅲ-ⅵ, and #ⅳ at last. #ⅳ7-5 is seen so often. It also has partly the chromatic scale, which can be seen in its melody as well. These elements alone have an eccentric and gloomy impression. Whereas, this song has astonishingly fast development, octaves melody, and 16th notes, too. These feel speeding as if it is expressing the ball(dance). 



At the end

Here is what you want. I support you like this song. 
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