
Buried in the noise

Someone I follow wrote an essay about her phone dying suddenly and It made me think about how dependent we are on our technology - especially smartphones.
I am an obsessive charger. I charge all the devices I have to make sure they have nearly a 100% charge. Am I a slave to charging or am I a slave to my own obsessive charging habit? What ever it is it stems from dependence. And there are all the "updates" that happen without our knowing. We have no idea what the updates are doing. It's buried in the noise. We electronically sign privacy agreements, but I have never read a single one. I don't know what I agreed to. Who knows, I could have (as happens in fairy tales) given the rights to my first born. I wouldn't know. Perhaps they have my permission to access my camera and microphone and eavesdrop on me, collecting data and passing it on to the NSA, CIA, FBI or some other three letter organization of people what are told that it's okay to read others emails and look through private thoughts and images.

What happens beneath the noise?
