
3月22日どんな日                    What day is March 22nd?




1992年に国連総会で制定された「World Water Day」(世界水の日)は、毎年3月22日に地球規模で水の重要性を再認識し、水資源の保護と持続可能な利用を促進することを目的としています。この日は、地球の水資源の貴重さや、清潔で安全な水へのアクセスが世界中の人々にとっていかに不可欠であるかを世界中の人々が共に考える機会とされています。


星座 :おひつじ座



色  :赤

性格 :非常にダイナミックで多面的な人物像を描いています。統率力と洞察力を持ち合わせ、新しい挑戦を恐れずに受け入れることができるという点は、リーダーシップの資質を示しています。直感が鋭く、問題解決能力が高いという特性も、彼らが効果的なリーダーであることを支えています。これらの特性は、仕事やプロジェクトの管理、チームを導く役割、または起業家精神を持つ人物に見られる特徴です。

ここまでを英語で説明致します。I will explain this in English.

Broadcast anniversary

March 22, 1925 is a very important date in the history of Japanese broadcasting. On this day, the Tokyo Broadcasting Corporation, the predecessor of NHK, began Japan's first radio test broadcast. Initially, the Tokyo Broadcasting Station planned to start broadcasting on March 1, 1925, and was conducting promotional activities for this purpose. However, a problem arose in that Japan's only radio broadcast transmitter, which was scheduled to be purchased in preparation for the start of broadcasting, was purchased by Osaka Broadcasting Station. In order to deal with this problem, the Tokyo Broadcasting Station borrowed an existing transmitter and modified it to specifications that would allow broadcasting, but the Ministry of Communications (currently the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications) said that broadcasting was not possible because the broadcasting equipment was not completed. You will be judged. However, with a strong desire to become Japan's first radio broadcaster before Osaka Broadcasting Station, we decided to conduct a test broadcast rather than the actual broadcast, and succeeded in obtaining approval from the Ministry of Communications. The test broadcast was not conducted at the Tokyo Broadcasting Station studio, but from a temporary studio set up at the Tokyo High School of Crafts in Shibaura, Tokyo. The first voice of the broadcast is ``Ah, ah, ah, can you hear me? JOAK, JOAK, this is Tokyo Broadcasting. We will begin broadcasting today.'' This phrase is used in Japan. It will be etched in the history of broadcasting. Tokyo Broadcasting Station's main broadcasts began on July 12, 1925, but Osaka Broadcasting Station began test broadcasting earlier on June 1st of the same year. This is how radio broadcasting began in Japan, and it would have a great influence on the subsequent development of broadcasting culture.

world water day

Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1992, World Water Day is celebrated on March 22 every year to remind people of the importance of water on a global scale and to promote the protection and sustainable use of water resources. It is intended to promote. This day is an opportunity for people around the world to collectively reflect on the preciousness of the Earth's water resources and how essential access to clean, safe water is for people around the world. Every year, various forums, workshops, and events are held around the world around March 22nd to promote sustainable management of water resources, fair distribution of water, and raising awareness of water-related issues. will be discussed. Organized by government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), businesses and local communities, these events aim to highlight water-related challenges around the world. On the other hand, Japan has established its own "Water Day" on August 1st, and activities are being carried out in Japan to raise awareness of the importance of water resources and conservation of the water environment. However, on March 22nd, World Water Day, a variety of events and activities will be held in Japan as part of the International Day for Thinking about the Earth and Water and the United Nations Water Day. These activities aim to broadly communicate the importance of water resources to society and encourage action toward sustainable water use.

Personality of people born on March 22nd

Constellation: Aries

Guardian planet: Mars

Natural element: fire

Color: Red

Personality: Depicts a very dynamic and multifaceted person. Leadership qualities include being able to take command, have foresight, and be fearless in accepting new challenges. Their strong intuition and problem-solving skills also make them effective leaders. These traits are common in people who manage jobs, projects, lead teams, or have an entrepreneurial spirit. On the other hand, their tendency to be sensitive to affectionate partners, romantically indecisive, and susceptible to temptation suggests challenges they may face in relationships and personal decisions. Being bossy and showing off is a sign of self-confidence, but at times it can also cause friction with those around you. It is important for such a person to have self-awareness and growth opportunities for their weaknesses while leveraging their strengths. If they can manage their own emotions and impulses and find balance in their relationships, their leadership abilities and magnetic charm will shine through even more. From a psychology and personal development perspective, individuals with these personality traits are able to overcome their personal weaknesses and maximize their potential as leaders and people through self-reflection and continuous efforts toward growth. You will be able to pull it out.


草間 彌生

  • 1929年3月22日

  • 現代芸術家

大橋 巨泉

  • 1934年3月22日

  • 放送作家

  • タレント

  • 政治家

山根 基世

  • 1948年3月22日

  • アナウンサー

堀内 正美

  • 1950年3月22日

  • 俳優

大貫 健一

  • 1961年3月22日

  • アニメーター

  • キャラクターデザイナー

有働 由美子

  • 1969年3月22日

  • アナウンサー

堀井 美香

  • 1972年3月22日

  • アナウンサー

中村 豪

  • 1975年3月22日

  • お笑いタレント

  • やるせなす


  • 1975年3月22日

  • 俳優

馬場 裕之

  • 1979年3月22日

  • お笑いタレント

  • ロバート

大石 参月

  • 1988年3月22日

  • ファッションモデル

  • 俳優

白井 奈津

  • 1990年3月22日

  • ラジオパーソナリティ




