
3月12日どんな日         What kind of day is March 12th?











星座 :うお座



色  :緑
性格 :この性格を持つ人物は、とても魅力的で個性的な人物像を描いていますね。創造力に溢れ、行動を起こすことを恐れない姿勢は、彼らをリーダーシップを持つポジションに自然と導くかもしれません。高い志とカリスマ性、そして明確な自己主張は、周囲の人々を魅了し、彼らの考えやプロジェクトに共感させる力があります。




I will explain this in English.

Moss day

Mos Burger has established a unique position as a Japanese hamburger chain. The thoughts behind its origins and naming seem to give Mos Burger something more than just a fast food chain. Founder Kei Sakurada's philosophy is based on ``noble and dignified like a mountain, a heart as deep and broad as the ocean, and a passion that never burns out like the sun.'' We provide our customers through food. It forms the value itself.

Additionally, on March 12th, our founding anniversary, special events and promotions will be held at Mos Burger stores nationwide, providing a great opportunity to increase our sense of community as a brand and deepen our relationships with our customers. Masu. These efforts are one of the factors that make Mos Burger a brand loved both in Japan and abroad.

Sweets day

Super Sweets Co., Ltd.'s idea of establishing March 12th as "Sweets Day" is interesting. If this day becomes widely known as a special day associated with sweets, it may lead to the revitalization of the sweets industry as a whole. Special events and promotions held in conjunction with anniversaries are an opportunity that sweets fans cannot miss, and even people who don't usually eat sweets may be interested in this opportunity. In addition, by setting an anniversary like this, the ordering site and web catalog provided by Super Sweets will attract more attention, and it can be an opportunity to acquire new customers. It is wonderful that various sweets products and stores attract attention through Sweets Day, contributing to the excitement of the region and the industry as a whole.

World Anti-Cyber Censorship Day

Cyber Censorship DayThe establishment of March 12th as the International Day to Protest Internet Censorship has great significance in protecting freedom of speech and internet freedom. Organizations like Reporters Without Borders and Amnesty International have established this day as a commemoration to draw international attention and awareness to the censorship of the internet and suppression of freedom of expression by governments around the world. This is to increase the

In particular, in regions such as China and Middle Eastern countries where strict government censorship of the internet is practiced, the free flow of information is restricted and citizens' right to information and freedom of expression are violated. It is extremely important that the international community come together to protest against this situation and demand change.

By focusing on the issue of internet censorship on March 12th, we hope that more people will recognize the importance of free access to information and that the movement against censorship will spread around the world. The day is also an opportunity to urge governments to respect internet freedom and protect free speech.

Personality of people born on March 12th

Constellation: Pisces

Guardian planet: Neptune

Natural element: water

Color: Green Personality: People with this personality portray a very attractive and unique personality. Their creativity and willingness to take action may naturally lead them to leadership positions. High aspirations, charisma, and clear self-assertion have the power to attract those around you and make them sympathize with your ideas and projects.

However, on the other hand, because they are very passionate about their opinions and goals, they sometimes behave rudely towards their partners and people close to them, and are uncooperative in group activities. It may happen. High self-esteem and an adventurous side create an attitude of being unafraid of new experiences and challenges, but when combined with a sense of responsibility, this creates a desire for high standards not only for oneself but also for all projects and relationships involved. It will be.

People with this type of personality are the type who are always on the move towards personal growth and realization. Their challenging nature may sometimes create conflict and conflict, but the passions and goals they pursue have the potential to enlighten and influence many people. They will find ways to make the most of their strengths, learning how to relate to themselves and communicate with others.



  • 1949年3月12日

  • 映像監督

  • トリプルX

  • ワイルド・スピードなど

奥寺 康彦

  • 1952年3月12日

  • サッカー選手

  • 元日本代表

  • 指導者

池波 志乃

  • 1955年3月12日

  • 俳優


  • 1959年3月12日

  • 漫画家

  • タレント


  • 1962年3月12日

  • ミュージシャン

  • タレント

陣内 貴美子

  • 1964年3月12日

  • バドミントン選手

  • タレント

勝俣 州和

  • 1965年3月12日

  • タレント

佐藤 賢一

  • 1968年3月12日

  • 小説家

  • 女信長など


  • 1968年3月12日

  • 俳優

岡村 明美

  • 1969年3月12日

  • 声優


  • 1971年3月12日

  • タレント

  • 俳優

椎名 へきる

  • 1974年3月12日

  • 声優

  • 歌手


  • 1976年3月12日

  • お笑いタレント

  • 野性爆弾

小野 真弓

  • 1981年3月12日

  • 俳優

斎藤 千和

  • 1981年3月12日

  • 声優

鈴木 あきえ

  • 1987年3月12日

  • タレント

登坂 広臣

  • 1987年3月12日

  • 歌手

  • 三代目J Soul Brothers

  • 俳優


  • 1991年3月12日

  • ベーシスト


根岸 拓哉

  • 1996年3月12日

  • 俳優

  • タレント

小田 さくら

  • 1999年3月12日

  • タレント

  • 歌手

  • モーニング娘。

高橋 文哉

  • 2001年3月12日

  • ファッションモデル

  • 俳優


  • ?年3月12日

  • 熊本県PRマスコットキャラクター




