





  • 米、米こうじ、水を原料として発酵させた後、濾過したもの。

  • 米、米こうじ、水に加えて、清酒かすやその他政令で定める物品を原料として発酵させ、濾過したもの。





Alcoholic beverages are classified from two perspectives: how they are made (manufacturing method) and how they are classified under the Liquor Tax Law. In the case of sake, it is classified as ``jozoshu'' based on the manufacturing method. It is made by fermenting rice, rice malt, and water.

From the perspective of the Liquor Tax Law, the definition of sake is that it must be made using rice and that it must undergo a filtration process.

Regarding the ``definition of alcoholic beverages,'' Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Liquor Tax Act defines it as ``beverages with an alcohol content of 1% or more.'' In other words, if it has an alcohol content of 1% or more, it is considered an alcoholic beverage.

Regarding the ``definition of sake'', sake with an alcohol content of less than 22% and meeting the following conditions is considered ``sake.''

It is made by fermenting rice, rice koji, and water as raw materials and then filtering it.

In addition to rice, rice koji, and water, sake lees and other items specified by government ordinance are fermented and filtered.

Then, in December 2015, the Geographical Indication "Sake" was designated, and the rules were established that only domestically produced rice can be used as raw material and only sake brewed domestically can be called "Sake". Tanda.

In the Showa era, there was a ``grade system'' to ensure the quality of sake. This system classified Japanese sake into special grade, first grade, and second grade, and applied liquor tax rates according to each quality.

The grading system was determined based on several criteria, including the polishing ratio of the raw rice, the sake manufacturing process, and whether or not alcohol was added. Thanks to this system, the quality of sake was firmly guaranteed, and this information was properly communicated to consumers.

However, in 1989, this grade system was completely abolished. We have moved to a more detailed classification of ``Special Name Sake,'' which is more in line with the diversity of modern Japanese sake. With this, the world of sake has expanded even further, and many different types of sake have come to be recognized.
