
04【5行エッセイ】ハーバード式英語学習法 My Hobby(私の趣味)



  1. 読む・聞く・話す・書くの4つのスキルをバランスよく鍛える。

  2. 実際のコンテンツ(ニュース記事、映画、音楽、本など)を使って学習する。

  3. 文脈を理解しながら学習することで、単語や表現を記憶に定着させる。

  4. 自分の興味や目的に合った英語学習を行う。


My hobby is learning English.


Reason 1:

Since many people are learning English, it can be used as a common topic.


Supporting point 1: English is a popular and global language.
Supporting point 2: English is rich in learning resources.

Reason 2:

English is required in many professions.


Supporting point 1: English is required in a variety of occupations, including international business, tourism, the IT industry, and the medical field.
Supporting point 2: English is an international language for international communication.

Reason 3:

Learning English allows you to explore the culture and history of the English-speaking world.


Supporting point 1: By learning English, you can gain a deeper understanding of world-famous literature and art, such as Shakespeare's plays and the music of The Beatles.
Supporting point 2: By learning English, you can gain a deeper understanding of the historical background, such as the American War of Independence and the history of the British royal family.


There is no doubt that English is a global language and is worth learning.


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