
テストニットとは? -My first test-knitting-

-2016年後半の密かな努力? -

2016年後半は、当時Ravelryにパターンをリリースしはじめていた、えりさんのストール・IngramやShirakaba Hat、やはり同時期にデビューされたrieさんことRieviveさんのjelulyやReleve他、たくさんの小物を編んでいる。



左上から時計まわりに、Ingram, jeluly, Ingram-2, 真ん中右: Releve, 右下: 星の白黒ミトン,
真ん中下: Pam, 左下: 三國さんの目薬ポーチをアレンジしたカメラポーチ, 真ん中左側: Shirakaba,  中心のミニブーケはJayneさんへの誕生日プレゼントに作った"Woodland Wreath, Bluebells"です。



Gregoria Fibersさんの糸で編んだひとつ目が完成した後、ついうっかり魔女の宅急便風の写真も撮ったりしながら、指定のBrooklyn Tweed Arbor、そしてPuppy Shetlandでも、3個も編んでいる。


In the second half of 2016, I knitted many small items, including Eri's stole Ingram and Shirakaba Hat, who was beginning to release patterns on Ravelry at the time, and Rievive's jeluly and Releve, who also debuted at the same time.

In parallel, I was also knitting Junko Okamoto's one-piece Pam. I think I swam through the sea of knitting with the maximum number of stitches exceeding 400.
At the same time, I was knitting Mariko Mikuni's black-and-white mittens with stars for my sister.

Then December.
I was able to participate in a test knit for the first time.
A test knit is a process in which designers create a knitting pattern and then have testers test knit it to check for errors and typos.
My first test knit was Eri's cute drawstring bag, KIKI.

After completing the first one knitted with Gregoria Fibers' yarn, I inadvertently took a picture of it in the style of the Witch's Delivery Service (it is a famous Japanese animation movie), and also knitted three pieces, one at Brooklyn Tweed Arbor and another at Puppy Shetland.
The one I knitted in Shetland was quite useful when my mother was hospitalized.
It really was a memorable pattern that was fun to knit and cute to use.
