
IROHA COWL -初めてのニットデザイン-

それで、初めて編み込みの柄を考えて編んでみたのが、いまだパターン化されていない幻の(?)カウル、IROHA COWLである。

はじめてデザインを最初から考えたもので、糸は、やわらかいチェーン状のWorstedの太さの糸、Woolfolk Farを使っている。その割に、編み地が少しきつくなりすぎたり、今見ると色々と改善の余地があるなあと思う。(ここ数年の経験から、ふわふわ系の太めの糸は、その特性を活かして太い針で編んだ方が、仕上がりが気持ちの良いものになる感じがしています。)


こちらが当時考えて作ったIROHA COWL。

February 2017. Just a short time before that, I was in Niigata, Japan, looking at a Japanese garden that my seniors from my office worker days had taken me to.
I thought I wanted a colorwork cowl like a kimono sash.
So I thought of a colorwork design and knitted it for the first time.
The result is a cowl named IROHA COWL, which has not yet been made into a pattern.

It is my first design from the beginning.
The yarn is Woolfolk Far, a soft, chain-like Worsted weight yarn.
However, I think there is a lot of room for improvement when I look at it now, such as the knitted fabric being too tight.
(From my experience over the past few years, I feel that fluffy, thicker yarns are better knitted on thicker needles to take advantage of their characteristics, and the finished product will be more pleasing.)

But the fun I had while making them was irreplaceable.
I mentioned on the Ravelry project page at the time that I felt like I was on to something, and this was the event that set me on the path of creating knitting patterns.
