
Kasumi -Ravelryで初パターンリリース-



Ravelryでパターンをリリースするという話になったとき、私が最初に思ったことは、3年くらい早いような・・・? ということだった。
経験値的にまだまだなような・・・? と考えたとき、ふと思った。










パターンの内容チェックをえりさんにお願いし、パターン作成前から後押ししてもらったこともあり、後にリリースの際、パターンページのNotesにSpecial thanksと書くことにした。


いやはや、そのKasumiの時、そして二作目のショール・Pastoralのテストニット時のぼろぼろさと言ったら・・・最初の頃は、特に英語の語順や、こういう編み方の場合はこう書く、という英文について、読みながら編み方を推測して編むことは割とできるのだが、英作文はできないという状態で(要はわかっているようでわかっておらず・・・)今でも毎回思うことなのですが、テスターの皆さまには本当にお世話になっています。いつも本当にありがとうございます・・・! という気持ちでいます。



When I started talking with Eri about releasing patterns on Ravelry, my first thought was that it was still, three years too early...? 
At the time, I still had little experience with test knitting and the number of projects on Ravelry was just over 50. And wear was about 1/4 of that number. It seemed that I was not yet experienced enough...? When I thought about this, it occurred to me.

What I think I can make now is a straight knitted stole, though. I wondered if there was a way to increase the number of techniques to be incorporated one by one, like climbing a staircase one step at a time. I thought that this might be an interesting way to expand my work, and I began to feel more positive about pattern-making.

At the time, I saw several people making their debut as designers on Ravelry, and I had the impression that many of them started with free pattern. In addition, Ravelry is primarily a Paypal payment system in Japan, but I also needed to register my business with Paypal.

In those reasons, I concluded that we would release the first Kasumi as a free pattern and slowly work on the Paypal registration while we made the second pattern and asked for test knits.

Now that the first sample was knitted, the next step was to create the pattern. By then, when I had downloaded patterns from various designers on Ravelry, I knew that they were pdf files. First, I created a text pattern in word file, made a chart in Excel and pasted it , then when I saved the word file, I converted it to pdf as well and saved it separately to create the pattern. I should note here that I was not good at Excel to begin with, and the pocket manuals for word and excel that I had purchased when I was an office worker were very useful!

Next I had to ask the request for test knitters: after two years on Ravelry and a little over a year on Instagram, there were quite a few knitters who I had met through participating in Kal together or who I often talked with on Instagram, so I asked to them and they kindly agreed to do the test knit. We had a 3-4 week period during which we started test-knitting with a group of people who were all very well-knit. First of all, Ms Kusumi, who was excited about the Malabrigo race, also took part in the test.

I remember how I felt when I test-knitted my second shawl, Pastoral... In the beginning, I could do the reading but not the writing, especially in terms of English word order and how to write English sentences for this kind of knitting (in short, I seemed to know what I was doing but I didn't understand it...).
I still think about it every time, but I am really grateful to all the testers. Thank you so much for everything..! I feel that I am very grateful to all of you.

And so, when 20 days had passed in April. We were able to release Kasumi, a free pattern, on Ravelry.
