
庄内地方ゆかりの作家・詩人たちと名言・名文 (8)

(A Collection of the Wise Sayings of Writers and Poets Related to the Shonai Region; English Translation) (8)

8  吉野 弘 (1926~2014)


8  Hirohsi Yoshino   (1926~2014)

    A poet. Born in Sakata city, in Yamagata prefecture. He joined Teikoku Oil Company in 1943. He was engaged in the trade union movement after the war, but he was overworked and wrote poetry during medical treatment. He was a coterie of the poetry magazine "Kai(櫂)". In 1957, he published his first collection of poems "The News," and received the Yomiuri Prize for Literature for "A Sentimental Journey" in 1972, which clearly captured the cruel truth in his easy everyday expressions. His poetry collection includes "Phantom / Method", and his poetry collection includes "A Floating Perspective". He died on January 15, 2014, at the age of 87.



・「二人が睦まじくいるためには 愚かであるほうがいい 立派すぎないほうがいい立派すぎることは 長持ちしないことだと 気付いているほうがいい  完璧をめざさないほうがいい 完璧なんて不自然なことだと うそぶいているほうがいい ~」
・「正しいことを言うときは 少しひかえめにするほうがいい 正しいことを言うときは相手を傷つけやすいものだと 気付いているほうがいい ~」

<Hiroshi Yoshino’s Wise Sayings>

・ "It's easy to encourage others. But it's hard to encourage me."

From a famous poet "An Epithalamium"

・ " In order for the two to get along well, it's better to be stupid. It's better not to be too good. It's better to realize that being too good doesn't last long. You shouldn't aim for perfection. You should lie that perfection is unnatural.~" 

・ "When you say the right thing, it's better to be a little conservative. When you say the right thing, you should be aware that it is easy to hurt your partner. ~"
                        (To be continued)



