


5 漱石と阿部次郎 (1)


Soseki and Writers of Shonai (II) 5

5  Soseki and Jiro Abe (1)

   Jiro Abe (1883, Meiji 16-1959, Showa 34, Graduated from the Department of Philosophy, Tokyo Imperial University, Philosopher, author/critic) was born in Sakata City (formerly Matsuyama Town), Yamagata Prefecture. He entered Shonai Junior High School in 1899, and from around this time, he aspired to study philosophy. Two years later, he transferred to Yamagata Junior High School due to the transfer of his father, who was working as an elementary school principal and a prefectural inspector (an official position responsible for inspecting, supervising, and guiding education). When he was in the fifth grade, he was selected as a special student but was expelled from school along with four of his classmates for a campaign to expel the principal. He moved to Tokyo and transferred to Keihoku Junior High School. He entered Daiichi High School in 1901, where he interacted with Shigeo Iwanami, Yoshishige Abe, and Mokichi Saito, who was one grade below him. Afterward, he entered the Department of Philosophy at Tokyo Imperial University. After graduating, he became a disciple of Natsume Soseki's ``Mokuyou-kai'' (Meiji 39-), and began writing for Soseki's ``Asahi Literary Column''. Then, in April 1914 (Taisho 3), ``Santaro's Diary'' (Vol. 1), which immortalized his name, was published. It was later published in its first edition. A record of his inner thoughts from the ages of 25 to 31, he explored the inner world of the individual and preached idealistic individualism. He became a professor at Tohoku Imperial University at the age of 40 and retired at the age of 62. During that time, he made outstanding achievements in research on Japanese culture, Basho, Goethe, and Nietzsche. The Abe Memorial Museum is located in Matsuyama Town (now Sakata City), Yamagata Prefecture. Additionally, the Tohoku University Faculty of Letters opened the ``Abe Jiro Memorial Hall'' (3-4-29 Yonegabukuro, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture) in October 1999, 40 years after his death.
Jiro Abe has come to be counted as one of the ``Four Kings of Soseki's disciples,'' along with Yoshishige Abe (education, philosophy), Toyotaka Komiya (German writing, criticism), and Sohei Morita (poetry, novels). Together with Toyotaka Komiya, he established the ``Soseki Bunko'' at the Tohoku University Library. The ``Bansui Bunko'' by Doi Bansui, a poet and English literature scholar who was Soseki's junior and had contact with Soseki when he studied abroad in the UK, and the ``Komiya Bunko'' by Toyotaka Komiya. '', has been added to the special library as ``Abe Bunko'', which is his collection.
 (To be continued)
