
「書物の達人」丸谷才一(まるやさいいち)(英語対訳)2                        “A Master of Books” Maruya Saiichi (Japanese-English Translation) 2



    丸谷才一は中学在学中に勤労動員を体験して戦争への嫌悪感を募らせました。当時の優等生は陸軍士官学校海軍兵学校に進むことを期待されていたにもかかわらず、秀才の丸谷才一は校長の勧めを無視して、東京の城北予備校に一年間通学(一九四三年四月から一九四四年春)。一九四四年旧制新潟高等学校文科乙類に入学。新潟高校時代から頭が上がらなかったのは、同郷の先輩で、『中央公論』の元編集長、のちに『斬』で直木賞を取る綱淵謙錠だといわれています。二人とも巨体にして声が大きい。旧制新潟高校での寮の自治活動が丸谷才一の政治感覚を磨いたのではないかと見る人もいます。また、ここで百目鬼(どうめき)恭三郎(朝日新聞記者・文芸評論家)とも知り合います。一九四五年三月召集によって山形の歩兵第三二連隊に入営し、半年後の九月に復学。一九四七年三月新潟高等学校 (旧制)を卒業。一九四七年四月、東京大学文学部英文科に入学。中野好夫(注)、平井正穂のもとで主に現代イギリス文学を研究し、ジェイムズ・ジョイスを知り大きな影響を受けました。一九五0年三月、卒業論文「ジェイムズ・ジョイス」を提出し卒業。四月同大学院修士課程に進みました。

“A Master of Books” Maruya Saiichi (Japanese-English Translation) 2

(2) Maruya Saiichi’s Student Days

            Maruya Saiichi experienced labor mobilization while in junior high school and developed a hatred for the war. Although honor students at the time were expected to go on to either the military academy or the naval academy, the talented Maruya Saiichi ignored his principal's advice and attended Johoku Preparatory School in Tokyo for a year (1944). (from April 1934 to 1944 Spring). In 1944, he enrolled in Niigata High School's liberal arts class. It is said that the person who has never looked up to him since his days at Niigata High School was Kenjou Tsunabuchi, a senior from his hometown and former editor-in-chief of Chuokoron, who later won the Naoki Prize for “Zan”. Both are large and have loud voices. Some people believe that Maruya Saiichi's political sense may have been honed by his dormitory autonomy activities at Niigata High School under the old system. It was also here that he met Kyozaburo Domeki (Asahi Shimbun reporter and literary critic). He was drafted into the 32nd Infantry Regiment in Yamagata in March 1945 and returned to school six months later in September. He graduated from Niigata High School (old system) in March 1947. In April 1947, he entered the Department of English Literature, Faculty of Literature, University of Tokyo. He mainly studied modern British literature under Yoshio Nakano (note) and Masaho Hirai and was greatly influenced by James Joyce. In March 1950, he submitted his graduation thesis ``James Joyce'' and graduated. In April he entered the master's degree program at the same graduate school.

(Note) Yoshio Nakano (1903, Meiji 36-1985, Showa 60) was a Japanese English literature scholar and critic. He is known as a leading authority, a translator of English and American literature, and is also known for the broad-mindedness of his translations.
                        (To be continued)
