
庄内地方ゆかりの作家・詩人たちと名言・名文 (6)

(A Collection of the Wise Sayings of Writers and Poets Related to the Shonai Region; English Translation) (6)

6 井上ひさし (1934~2010)



6  Hisashi Inoue  (1934~2010)

   A novelist and a dramatist. Born on November 17, 1934, in Yamagata Prefecture. The NHK TV puppet show "A Hyokkori Gourd Island", a co-written work with Morihisa Yamamoto, attracted many people’s attention. In 1972 (Showa 47), he won the Kishida Drama Award for "An Adventure of Dogen" and others, and the Naoki Prize for "A Hand Chain Double Suicide" in the same year. "Kirikirijin" won the 1981 Japan Science Fiction Award and the 1982 Yomiuri Literature Award. He formed Komatsuza (the Komatsu Theater Company) in 1983 and was the author with a seat. He was interested in the Japanese language issues and won the 1999 Kikuchi Kan Prize for "Tokyo Seven Roses", in which he wrote about women who protected the Japanese in opposition to the Romanization of Japanese after the war. In 2003, he was the president of The Japan Pen Club. He was selected as Persons of Cultural Merit in 2004. In 2009, he was awarded the Japan Art Academy Gift Award for his many years of achievements in a wide range of fields centered on his plays. In the same year, he was a member of the Japan Art Academy. He died on April 9, 2010, at the age of 75. He is a graduate of Sophia University. His real name is 「廈」(Hisashi). His other works include "Private Japanese Grammar" and "A Man of 40 Million Steps".

 *Hisashi Inoue has a deep knowledge of Natsume Soseki and has a conversation with Saiichi Maruya. Saiichi Maruya is reading Hisashi Inoue's condolences.


・「むずかしいことをやさしく、やさしいことをふかく、ふかいことをおもしろく、おもしろいことをまじめに、まじめなことをゆかいに、そしてゆかいなことはあくまでゆかいに」(「井上ひさし伝」桐原良光 著 白水社 p343~p345)

<Hisashi Inoue's Wise Sayings>

"Express difficult things easily, easy things deeply, deep things interestingly, interesting things seriously, serious things funny, and fun things just funny"  ("Hisashi Inoue" by Yoshimitsu Kirihara) Hakusuisha p343-p345)
・ "When you wake up in the morning, it is important to think that you will do your best today. If you do not think so, you need to look at what is the cause."
・“The most important thing is to write something that only you can write in a sentence that anyone can understand. "
・ "Dictionaries are good counselors and friends, and they are my uncles who teach me various things. It's a lifelong benefit to interact with a dictionary in that manner."
・ "It is the air, not the people, that drives the Japanese people. Since each person is not independent (autonomous), when the air changes, everyone changes their opinions and attitudes."
・ “Even during the war, there were people who opposed it. But the air at that time didn't admit it. We move in the air, and no one takes responsibility because it is the result of the air. "
・ “Japan is the only country in the world that has been bombed so far. In other words, it is the only country experiencing future wars. "
・ "The existence of Article 9 is one of the things that Japan should be proud of in the world." 
                       (To be continued)



